NGfL CYMRU GCaD What’s the price? £40 £32 £30 Use your conversion chart to help you work out the followingconversion chart 4000 rupees I buy4 pairs of jeans
NGfL CYMRU GCaD What’s the price? Use your conversion chart to help you work out the followingconversion chart I spend £1200 on laptops. How much is that in rupees?
NGfL CYMRU GCaD What’s the price? £500 £240 £540 Use your conversion chart to help you work out the followingconversion chart I need to buy 3 TVs at 10,000 rupees each. How much money do I need in pounds?
NGfL CYMRU GCaD What’s the price? Use your conversion chart to help you work out the followingconversion chart If I pay £7000 for a car in the UK how much cheaper is it in rupees to buy a car in Nepal?
NGfL CYMRU GCaD What’s the price? £ £ £ Use your conversion chart to help you work out the followingconversion chart I have 243,540 rupees left when I return from my trip. How much do I have in pounds and pence?
NGfL CYMRU GCaD Conversion chart RupeesPounds/pence 1 A small box of matches £ A lime £ An egg £ A cup of tea £ A pack of noodles £ kg of potatoes £ g oranges £ kg rice £ chicken £ A pair of jeans £ ,000 A small television £ ,000 A computer £ ,000 A car £