Introduction to the Common Core Mathematics Standards Presented by Frank H. Osborne, Ph. D. © 2015 EMSE 3123 Math and Science in Education 1
Common Core Math Standards The Common Core Math Standards are organized by grade level and by domains. There are six domains used in K-5. –CC: Counting and Cardinality (only in Grade K) –OA: Operations and Algebraic Thinking –NBT: Number and Operations in Base 10 –NF: Number and Operations—Fractions (starts in Grade 3) –MD: Measurement and Data –G: Geometry 2
Common Core Math Standards Other domains commence in Grade 6 –RP: Ratios and Proportional Relationships (Grades 6 and 7 only) –NS: The Number System –EE: Expressions and Equations –F: Functions (begins in Grade 8) –G: Geometry –SP: Statistics and Probability EMSE 3123 concentrates on the K-5 standards. 3
Progressions Within each domain, there are progressions. A progression indicates which part of each domain is covered in each grade. Details of the domains and progressions are found throughout the standards. 4
Counting and Cardinality K.CC – Counting and Cardinality –Know number names of the count sequence –Count to tell the number of objects –Compare numbers This domain is covered only in Grade K. 5
Operations and Algebraic Thinking OA is found in grades K-5. It involves children learning addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Place value and increasing understanding of the operation of the base 10 number system. Using the four operations to solve problems Generating and analyzing patters and relationships. Interpreting numerical expressions 6
Number and Operations in Base 10 NBT is found in grades K-5. NBT topics include –Setting foundation for place value using (K) –Extending the Counting Sequence (1) –Understanding Place value (1-2) Addition and subtraction small numbers (1) Addition and subtraction-hundreds (2) –Properties of Operations--Multi-digit arithmetic (3) –Place value, multiplication/division, fractions, decimals (4-5) 7
Number and Operations-Fractions NF is found in grades 3-5. NF topics include –Understanding fractions as numbers using denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 (3) –Working with fractions and decimals (4) –Strategies for adding and subtracting fractions (5) –Multiplication and division of fractions (5) 8
Measurement and Data MD is found in grades K-5. MD topics include –Describe and compare measurable attributes (K) –Classify objects and count the number in each category (K) –Measure lengths, tell time, represent data (1-5) –Measure lengths in standard units, addition and subtraction, work with time and money (2) –Solve problems involving time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects, geometric measurement (3-5) 9
Geometry G is found in grades K-5. G topics include –Working with shapes (K) –Reason with shapes and their attributes (1-3) –Lines and angles (4) –Graphing points on the coordinate plane (5) –Classification of two-dimensional shapes (5) 10
The End 11