S-KVINNOR S-KVINNOR are social democratic feminists, fighting for equal rights at all levels in society. S-KVINNOR influence public debates and policy decisions, with a women´s perspective. S-KVINNOR educate members for political work. S-KVINNOR operate internationally in projects for equality and women´s rights.
Our organization Over 7000 members All members of S-KVINNOR are also members of the Social democratic party. 250 clubs Our basic organization, unites women across the country. 26 districts Sweden is divided into 26 regional districts, that organize the clubs locally. The federation Board of directors, chairman, association secretary, and registry. The congress The highest decision-making body, meets every second year.
Our history 1892: the first women´s club was founded in Stockholm. 1907: the first women´s conference is held in Stockholm.
Our history 1920: 120 women´s clubs together formed the federation S-KVINNOR S-KVINNOR fought for fair wages, better working conditions, better pensions, childcare, women´s education, the right to decide over your own body and free abortion.
Our history Important reforms: 1950s: S-KVINNOR’s hard work against nuclear weapons, leads to the government saying no to nuclear weapons. 1994: S-KVINNOR initiate the reform “Every second ladies” – every second man and woman on all Social Democratic ballots, in municipal, county and parliamentary elections. 1997: S-KVINNOR initiates the “sex purchase act”, that criminalizes buying sexual services. The law was at the time unique in the world. 2001: the Social Democratic party declared itself a feminist party.
Important years for women´s rights 1920: Women´s right to vote. 5 women get in to parliament. 1938: Abortion legal in certain cases. 1939: Dismissal because of marriage/pregnancy is banned. 1960: Special (lower) women's wages are banned. 1970: Marital rape is banned. 1971: Separate taxation (replaces joint taxation for families). 1974: A parental fee (replaces a maternal fee). 1975: Free abortion. 1980: Gender discrimination law. 1999: Sex purchase act.
A new feminist government: 2014: The Social Democratic party form a new feminist government together with the Green party, after 8 years of conservative government. Several of the issues S-KVINNOR fight for are prioritized: investments in women´s working conditions, better opening hours in childcare, better maternity and obstetric care, and investments in preventing domestic violence.
Why do we still need S-KVINNOR? The labor market is still segregated – women have lower wages, insecure employments and more part- time work. Women work two jobs – in the labor market and at home. They continue to take primary responsibility for home and family. This also has a big impact on women´s health. Women are underrepresented at all decision-making levels in society. Domestic and sexual violence is a huge problem.
The economy grows when people grow Full employment – the key to women´s economic independence. Turn the trend toward greater economic equality. Give priority to the common good. Recognize and enhance unpaid work. A sustainable society – democracy before the market.
Work and family The right of all women to their own income. Equal wages. The right to full-time job. Better working conditions and working environment. Better security in case of illness and unemployment. More women in leadership positions. Equal parental insurance.
Our children Equal chances for all children. Give all children right to pre-school. Improve the quality of pre-school. Legislate childcare at unsocial working hours. Improve quality of out-of-school centers. Make the UN Child Rights Convention Swedish law!
Welfare and knowledge through life Invest in school and collage. Better and more housing, at affordable prices. Better opportunities for mid-life education. Sweden needs more equality in health care. Strengthen older women´s economic security. Better quality of care for the elderly. Welfare profits should be ploughed back into welfare.
Violence against women and children Strengthen support to abused women in all municipalities. Combating prostitution and trafficking, wherever it occurs. The right to abortion in the EU.
Women and migration Women’s right to asylum based on their own grounds. Review the two-year rule. Meet newly arrived women’s need for knowledge and skills.
Peace and solidarity International solidarity for gender justice. An active policy for peace and disarmament. Prioritize UN efforts for peace and security Empower women in peace processes.
Feminist environmental policy Invest in good housing and public transport. Invest in sustainable communities and a living countryside. Phase out nuclear energy and develop renewable energy. Promote sustainable consumption and a prudent lifestyle.
How we work Internal Member meetings Courses/workshops Materials Proposals to our congress and the Social Democratic congress Elected representatives in municipalities, county councils and parliament External Advocacy: Social Democratic party, Parliament and Government Articles, press releases, statements Website and Social Media Seminars Public activities