Freedom Cities Empowering People to Keep Safe The key role of Sheffield in the creation of a campaign whereby cities are recognised by the EU for their work in actively combating human trafficking
Key Facts Estimated 27 million victims worldwide. 80% women, 15% children. Estimated 2600 victims in UK sex industry. Present, but hidden, in all our communities. 2005, Sheffield – first conviction for trafficking. In 2011, 8 trafficking convictions compared to over 60,000 drugs convictions. EU Directive 2011/36/EU.
Concept of Freedom Cities Community-based approach to tackling trafficking. Sheffield to become first Freedom City; concept then extended to other UK and/or EU cities. Sheffield working together to raise awareness of human trafficking, implement preventative measures, support victims, raise funds...
Development of Concept Presentation to SEB, 8 October 2014; concept “fully endorsed”. Advisory Group met 26 Nov 2014 and 8 Jan Working Group developed detailed criteria for Freedom City accreditation. Report of Advisory Group presented to SEB, 11 February 2015.
Pledge to … Endorse principles of Freedom Cities. Take a coordinated approach to prevent and combat human trafficking. Prepare an EU funding bid; explore other funding opportunities. Pilot and evaluate Freedom Cities within Sheffield. Form a group to continue and expand training and awareness raising. Identify a “focal point” in each organisation.
Next Steps Agree to sign pledge - date and venue. Plan working groups. Second pilot of TRUTH online awareness raising course.