What is World Geography? geography: the study of the earth and the ways people live and work on it
Physical Geography: the study of the earth’s natural features
Human Geography: examines how people live on the earth and their impact upon it Austin, Texas Calcutta, India
All aspects of geography are classified as the Five Themes of Geography M= Movement R= Region H= Human - E= Environment interaction L= Location P= Place
Movement: the spread of people, goods, and ideas through travel, trade, and communication
Region: an area with unique features that make it different from other areas. It is defined by physical or human characteristics
Formal Regions have clear boundaries that are defined by at least one common human or physical characteristic.
Functional Regions are different places that work together and function as a single unit.
Perceptual Regions reflect feelings and attitudes about an area Perceptual Regions reflect feelings and attitudes about an area. They may not be based on fact.
Human-Environment Interaction: the way people use and are affected by the environment.
Humans depend on the environment, modify it, and adapt to it.
Location: Where is it?
Absolute Location: the exact place on earth where something is found Absolute Location: the exact place on earth where something is found. It is based upon latitude and longitude or can be an address.
Relative Location indicates where something is in comparison with other places (next to).
At the bottom of your worksheet, in one or two sentences, write the relative location of East View High School.
There are several possibilities, but here’s a good one: East View is located on Highway 29 East, about a mile east of Toll Road 130.
Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida Place: indicates what something is like or what it looks like. It can refer to people or the land. Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida Empire State Building, New York City
Venice, Italy