Practicing What We Preach – Research into E-Learning Tools for Faculty Learning & Knowledge Mobilization Tom Carey University of Waterloo & California State University Would like to have titled… E-Mobilizing Knowledge from E-Learning Research
Overview of this session How does this help in Shaping our Future? Barriers for faculty and examples of works-in-progress to address them: I don’t have enough time … collaborative teams for course redesign I can’t understand it… Knowledge syntheses and other “knowledge products” I need to see it in my context… ELIXR case stories of exemplary teaching practice The truth is out there…somewhere …but I can’t find it a Knowledge Exchange Network for Exemplary Teaching
How does this help in Shaping our Future? Potential funders of e-learning research are interested in enhancing (teaching and) learning… …we need to demonstrate impacts from our research. “How we teach is a key part of what we teach”… If we want students to thrive in a global knowledge economy, we must model the values and processes we want them to practice.
Challenges for Faculty to Use our Research (1): I don’t have time… Solution work-in-progress: Many hands make light work Faculty cooperate on their individual course redesigns in a common target subject area E.g., California State University collaborative teams in Spring 08 General Chemistry and Developmental Mathematics. Demo (private Google Groups website)
Challenges for Faculty to Use our Research (2): I can’t understand it… Mobilizing knowledge from research requires additional steps beyond other forms of knowledge exchange Example of a Knowledge Synthesis for/from cooperative teams: Teaching Cash Flow Statements to Business Students Using Personal Response Systems to Engage Deep Learning Teaching Fractions to Adults Why students find atomic structure a challenge
Copyright ©1998 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. Haynes, B. et al. BMJ 1998;317:
Many new organizational forms and knowledge products are being developed to mobilize knowledge into practice and policy…
Design & Innovation team members (macro changes) Knowledge Transfer team members (micro changes) - create knowledge syntheses as tools and legacy Discipline colleagues Cooperative Team Structure to Integrate Design and Knowledge Transfer
Challenges for Faculty to Use our Research (3): I need to see it in my context… Solution work-in-progress: ELIXR program to provide discipline-oriented case stories of exemplary practice (with links to research…) Mobilize through teaching & learning centres
Components of an ELIXR case story “What it is”: illustrations of needs, benefits, issues “How it works”:Virtual class/course visits “How I did it”:Illustration of steps “But what about…”FAQs addressed by someone with whom faculty can identify (discipline, context, career stage, teaching philosophy…)
ELIXR tools: guides to using case stories guides to creating case stories case story templates evaluation tools community workspace management processes adaptation tools
Challenges for Faculty to Use our Research (4): I need one stop shopping… for the “wisdom of practice…insights from research…” Research project commissioned by
Scholarly Research on Teaching & Learning (ch. 3) Shared “Open” Learning Resources (ch. 4) Collaboratory Projects (ch. 5) Reflections on Teaching & Expertise (ch. 1) Educational Development Resources (ch. 6) Examples of Online Artifacts for Mediated Knowledge Exchange
Expert teachers continually seek to enhance their practice, led by their Passion for teaching Institutions invite/encourage/require use and contribution as part of grants to enhance teaching and other Programs Mainstream teachers want to address specific learning challenges for students. This Problem-driven use requires a significant volume of high quality resources to be effective. Strategic Priorities across institutions lead to cooperative knowledge exchange (e.g., Degree level expectations, Academic Integrity, Transforming Course Design) Distributed teams use an online collaboratory for knowledge exchange and knowledge-building on specific Projects Who Will Use & Contribute to a Knowledge Exchange Network for Exemplary Teaching?
Research Overview Stakeholder Roundtable & Roadmap Pilot Studies leading to the initiation & evolution of an online Knowledge Exchange Network to enhance teaching & learning in Ontario higher education Faculty Catalysts Post for public consultation: Engage Canadian & Global Collaborations Steps toward a Knowledge Exchange Network for Exemplary Teaching
Contact information: Private Google Groups workspace will soon have a public excerpt ( Tom to be notified) Information about CSU Transforming Course Design project: ELIXR: Tom for access to the case story on Using Debates for Integrative Learning on Global Climate Change Report on a Knowledge Exchange Network for Exemplary Teaching: