Welcome !
Track 1 Debra Slyter Kathlyn Miller Track 2 Stephanie Adgate Introductions
S – Stay Safe Use all materials appropriately O – Own Our School Keep our room and personal space clean A – Act Responsibly Be prepared with necessary materials R – Respect Everyone Be courteous to all children and adults Classroom Expectations
Eagle Bucks – Individuals Student receive these for good behavior, completed work, or anything else that a teacher decides is worthy of an eagle buck. Feathers – Whole Class Awarded by other teachers and classes Specials (1-3 feathers) Lunch (1-3 feathers) Eagle Bucks vs. Feathers
Read to Self Students read to themselves for one round Work on Writing Students choose a topic to write about and practice writing strategies discussed in class. Word Work Students work on building new vocabulary based on what topics are being taught in class and what words they find in their good-fit books. Daily 3 ELA
Text Focus: Narrative Text Quote accurately from the text to support answers Determine meaning of unknown words and phrases (including figurative language) Analyze how characters respond to challenges & speaker’s role in the text Compare and Contrast characters/texts ELA Quarter 1 Big Ideas
Focus Text: Expository Text Quote accurately from the text to support answers Compare and Contrast structure of text Analyze how author uses reasons and evidence to support their point of view Analyze multiple accounts of the same event/topic Integrate information from multiple texts to support student’s view on topic ELA Quarter 2 Big Ideas
Focus Text: Fantasy/Narrative Text Determine the theme of story or poem Explain how a series of chapters and stanzas fit together to create the structure of the text Compare/Contrast stories in the same genre Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how an event is described ELA Quarter 3 Big Ideas
Focus Text: Research/Review of all Content Analyze multiple accounts of the same event and noting the point of view they represent Integrate information from several texts to write or speak knowledgeably about the topic Describe narrator’s or speaker’s point of view on the topic Compare and Contrast Stories in the same topic ELA Quarter 4 Big Ideas
Read to Self Expectations
Work on Writing Expectations
Work on Writing
Comprehension – Are you understanding what you read? Accuracy – Are you reading the words correctly? Fluency – How smoothly do you read? Extend Vocabulary – How do you build new vocabulary? CAFÉ Menu for ELA
I – I choose a book P – Purpose – Why do I want to read it? I – Interest – Does it interest me? C – Comprehend – Do I understand what I am reading? K – Know – Do I know most of the words? Good Fit Books
Happen 3 times a year Beginning of school year (August) Middle of the year (December/January) End of the year (May/June) DORF test: assesses how many words your child can read in 1 minute DAZE test: assesses comprehension skills with fill in the blank test for 3 minutes Not speed reading!! mClass Assessments
Requirements for 5 th grade: 3 activities completed during the week with at least a 75% score on “first try” Out of 3 activities, 1 will be required by teacher as a weekly grade Required article must have completed “thought question” submitted weekly Goal: All students show growth on Lexile monthly Kid Biz 3000
Past years, has happened every quarter to assess content knowledge school year, will only happen ONCE as a mid-year assessment (Reading & Math) End of 2 nd quarter/Beginning of 3 rd quarter CASE 21
Quarter 1 : Personal Narratives/Memoirs Who am I as a writer? Quarter 2 : Informational Includes Persuasive and Opinion essays Quarter 3 : Fantasy writing Children’s book projects Quarter 4: Research writing Researching to prepare for our Washington, D.C. Trip Writing
Recognize place value and powers of 10 Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using algorithm Find whole number quotients in any division problem (especially 2 digit divisors) Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths Round decimals to nearest place value Add & Subtract decimals accurately Understand attributes belonging to 2-D polygons PROBLEM SOLVING!!! Math Quarter 1 Big Ideas
Understanding attributes in 2-D polygons and create a hierarchy diagram to demonstrate those properties Graphing points on a coordinate grid and solve problems using a grid Multiplying and Dividing decimals using models and algorithms Using the order of operations to solve problems with parenthesis, brackets, and braces Using patterns to solve problems PROBLEM SOLVING!!! Math Quarter 2 Big Ideas
FRACTIONS FRACTIONS FRACTIONS!! Estimating fractions using number lines and benchmarks Adding and Subtracting fractions with like and unlike denominators using models and algorithms Multiplying fractions Dividing Fractions Adding and Subtracting Mixed numbers, including regrouping the whole Multiplying mixed numbers Problem solving with all the above mixed up! Math Quarter 3 Big Ideas
Volume: problem solving and determine basic volume of regular and irregular figures Converting within the metric and customary systems of measurement (length, capacity, mass) Use data to create and analyze a line plot EOG Review Math Quarter 4 Big Ideas
Fraction and Decimals – 54% Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division Measurement and Data – 19% Geometry – 15% Operations and Algebraic Thinking – 12% Math EOG Break Down
Math by Myself Math with Someone Math Writing Fraction Friday: Every Friday we will be teaching concepts to help your child prepare for 3 rd quarter Fractions. Daily 3 Math
Ecosystems Human Body Systems Motion and Design Weather Units to be taught in the order based on the teacher’s preference and availability of science kits. Science
The Economy The Revolutionary War The Creation of Government and Westward Expansion The Civil War and Reconstruction Social Studies
About minutes a night, not including reading 30 minutes of reading a night Read with your child when you can 3 kidbiz assignments per week with a score of a 75% or higher (some done in class) 4 math assignments per week (Monday-Thursday) Homework
Class websites/blog (see individual teachers for the links) Mid-terms : Week of August 4 Report Cards: Track 1 September 4 Track 2 September 30 1 st and 3 rd Quarter Conferences Face to face Student Led Conferencing during 3 rd quarter Classroom Communicaton
8:00-8:30 Arrival/Morning Work *Students expected to be in seats AT 8:30* 8:35-9:20 Specials 9:20-10:35 Math 10:35-11:55ELA part I (end time subject to lunch time for class) 11:55-12:25Lunch (Track 4) 12:25-1:15Science/Social Studies 1:15-2:25ELA part II 2:25-2:55Recess *No early dismissal after 2:30* 3:00Dismissal Daily Schedule
Helps students set academic goals and see their growth in all subject areas. Tracks growth in many areas, such as Lexile reading levels and CASE 21 scores. Parent Signatures – We will send home tests, quizzes, and other assignments to be signed. After you have seen them and sent them back, we will put them into the data notebooks. Data Notebooks
Blue Jay Point Park Price: $15 Date: Miller & Slyter: November 10 Adgate & Jarrett: November 4 Washington, D.C. Price: $340 (Payment plans are available) Dates: Track 1: May 31- June 2 Tracks 2, 3, & 4: June DC Information Night is September 6pm Field Trips!
If you want to do any of the following, you must have clearance Volunteering in the classroom Volunteering at school events Being a chaperone Being a room parent You MUST re-submit every year You can sign up in the media center! After September, you can only sign up on Mondays Volunteer Clearance
School-wide bullying prevention program intended to help clarify for students, staff and parents what defines bullying and how it differs from peer conflict.
Bully -Before labeling behavior as bullying, it must meet the three following criteria: REPEATED - Does the behavior happen over and over again? INTENTIONAL - Is the behavior intentional, or on purpose? INTIMIDATING - Is there an imbalance in power, or does the behavior create feelings of helplessness, intimidation, or fear? -If all three criteria are met, the behavior is labeled bullying and will be handled accordingly by school administration. -If only one or two of the criteria are met, the behavior is most often labeled peer conflict and students are encouraged to practice conflict resolution skills and seek assistance from adults when needed -Four primary types of bullying (verbal, physical, social, and cyber) are reviewed and students are provided with strategies if they or someone else is bullied -Students are encouraged to create a positive climate for learning, tolerance and acceptance
Why Join the PTA? Mission: To improve the education and educational experience of every student at Durant Road Elementary school. School Community Skills, Talents and Resources Strong PTA and Strong School +=
2015/2016 Priorities Fundraising: Raise $55,000 to fund various projects Technology purchases Teacher Provisions & Mini-Grants Literacy Support Event Execution: Schedule and Complete all planned events Field Day Family Reading Night International Night Cultural Arts Assemblies Parent Involvement Improve participation at events Enroll 350 members Succession planning Communication Drive awareness and understanding of school events
Now What? Visit the PTA table on your way out for handouts Join the PTA Support your student in getting pledges for the Boosterthon Fun Run Link your store cards to this school Save Box Tops and Labels for Education (we will have contests throughout the year) Read communications that come home from the PTA Ask a PTA representative how to get involved with our organization – share your ideas Consider volunteering at an event or on our Board
Boosterthon 2015 Boosterthon 2015 Video