1 IDATE Ian McCaig, COO “lastminute.com…this slick, stylish and trailblazing site remains brimful of ideas for last minute adventures” Sunday Times
2 Simple idea: lastminute.com provides inspiration and solutions for all your travel and leisure needs whether you’re going away, going out or staying in…
3 during 2003 we sent the equivalent of 60 jumbos from the UK to worldwide destinations every week, that's over 8 jumbos daily and almost 9 jumbos weekly bound for the US… during 2003 we sold enough hotel room nights to fill London’s Ritz Hotel over 30,000 times a customer picks up a holiday autos car every 35 seconds, that’s 2,500 everyday, and almost 1M a year …and in Jan 2004 we sold 10,000 tickets for a Red Hot Chilli Peppers concert in 48 hours. That’s 12% of all tickets sold for the show
4 Spain Organic growth supplemented by acquisition – either for product breadth or geographic expansion
5 TTV growth since inception Pro-forma illustration £bn 1.2
6 Less free time More disposable income Desire to travel and go out more Increasing demand for the “experience” Cash rich customer segments Later parenting Broadband More access – cheaper, faster Mobile/PDA communications Voice recognition technology Location based services WIFI More short break holidays More independent travellers Offline travel is moving rapidly online Appeal of build your own packages over pre-packaged holidays Demand for more flexibility Later booking trends lastminute.com is well positioned to take advantage of current trends in travel, technology applications and lifestyle lifestyle technology travel