SEAPLANE NETWORKING EVENT IN BREMERHAVEN 3 rd-4th OF MARCH 2005 ”RICA HOTEL SEILET”, MOLDE Mr Atle Reinsberg County Council Møre & Romsdal, Department of transport, Norway
FACTS MOLDE Population: –Molde region: –Molde city/municipality: Located in the geographical centre of Møre & Romsdal -Easy access. Airport 10 – 15 minutes from city centre. 5 daily routes direct from Oslo, 2 daily routes direct from Bergen and Trondheim Main tourist attractions: -The scenery. Main scenic county attractions in short distance from Molde -Culture -Outdoor activities
IDEA – WHY A NEW HOTEL Tradition for tourism Well established image (Molde town of roses and jazz. Scenic) Stagnation 1970 – Drop in hotel guests. Need for revitalize Interest from local investors Interest from Molde municipality authorities (a new consert hall was on the ”wanted” list) New destination company established Idea of a spectacular hotel (Congress marked more demanding- enough hotels. Events needed. The hotel itself as a key part of the visit) The hotel has to be run by a well established operator
RICA SEILET HOTEL PLANNING - IMPLEMENTING First scetches February 2000 Decision for ”go” February 2001 Construction starts August 2001 Hotel opened October – 2002 Disputed project locally and nationally (the architecture) Massive marketing (ex 14 reportings on national television) Negative publicity positive for marketing Conference capacity fully booked for 2003 before opening Arcitecture: Formed like a boat sail – idea from hotel in Dubai Glass all over. Hotel mirror itself with shifting weather conditions Hotel partly build into the sea A landmark
RICA SEILET HOTEL- CAPACITY Hotel part : 15 floors 169 rooms 2 bars 1 restaurant Fitness Congress- concert hall/cultural house part: 800 persons in plenary 550 persons in banquet 10 group rooms flexible interior Bjørnsonshuset - concert hall/cultural house
RICA SEILET HOTEL FINANCING - OPERATION Primarily locally based private investors and ownership Contribution from Molde municipality authorities (guarantor for loan of 15 mill NOK for the concert hall/cultural house) Total cost 240 mill NOK (29 mill Eur) Hotel part 180 mill NOK (22 mill Eur) Congress and concert hall/cultural house 60 mill NOK (7 mill Eur) Operated by Rica Hotels - 51 hotels in Norway and Sweden Concert hall/culture house is 50 % of the time reservated for public use
HOTELS IN MOLDE – NIGHT STOPS Molde all hotels (Rica Seilet) % Congress (8574) (8671) +108 Business (18514) (16109) +29 Leisure/ groups (6527) (10684) +38 Total (33615) (38694) +41
HOTEL COMPARISON NIGHT STOPS 2000 – 2004 nights stops Hotels in Molde+41% Hotels in Molde region+27 % Hotels in Ålesund region-1% Hotels in Kristiansund region-17 % Hotels in Møre & Romsdal+1 % Hotels in Norway+/- 0 %
BJØRNSONSHUSET CONCERT HALL- CULTURAL HOUSE 2OO3: 68 cultural arrangements 2004: 134 cultural arrangement guests Arrangement capacity by 75 % booked 2005: 51 cultural arrangemens booked by January (Concerts, theater, other cultural arrangements) Guests from Molde, Møre & Romsdal, also other counties An increasing number of guests stay overnight. Hotel sells package including hotel staying
ECONOMIC EFFECTS No studies done. Estimations: 1 congress guest: Total turnover 3000 NOK (360 Eur) a day. 1 business/leisure guest: Total turnover NOK ( Eur) a day (accomandation,food/drinking, congress, events, shopping, transport) Annual raise of night stays: A total turnover growth of 78 – 92 mill NOK (9,4 – 11 mill Eur). Caused by Rica Seilet in particular and the renovated Alexandra Hotel. New jobs: 60 man-labour year at Rica Seilet. Estimated raise in public tax income of 4 –5 mill NOK (0,5 - 0,6 mill Eur). Additional new jobs and tax income not included 1/3 of the hotel staff estimated to be new inhabitants )
RICA SEILET HOTEL - STATUS Most daily congresses guests. Also bigger congresses. Cooperates with other hotels. Big conference planned in 2006 Load factor Rica Seilet 2004: 56%. (Hotels in Molde 50%. Hotels in M & R 48%) Investors objective fullfilled so far: Double congress night stops Molde got a new concert hall/cultural house Molde got more attractive
RICA SEILET HOTEL EFFECTS MOLDE AIRPORT Domestic passengers : 2001: : : : No exact information how many passengers that are hotel guests. Estimations: Airport bus: Annual raise 5000 passengers. Mostly hotel guests Taxi: Estimated 2500 passengers. Business partnes/car rental: 2500 Estimated annual passengers raise due by hotels: 10000
MAIN CONTRIBUTORS Mr Kjell Kosberg: Architect Mr Erik Berg: Local investor Mr Geir Fjellsjø: Sales manager Rica Seilet Hotel Mrs Irene Wisløf: Booking manager Rica Seilet Hote Public statistics Web: