Basic Math Skills One-to-one Classification (size, color) Seriation
Numeration Understanding of numbers Estimating - Include in subject matter when possible. How much do you think? Regrouping - start with smaller numbers Understanding Zero - Placeholder 306
Place Value Grouping by ones and tens - Manipulatives Naming tens - Counting by tens Use everyday items to illustrate place value, like school population.
Learning Fractions Clearly explain and illustrate language and concepts Provide many examples Help discriminate different problem types (denominator)
Common Computational Errors Spatial Organization - Graph paper Visual Detail - + or - read carefully Procedural Error - 5+5=5x5 Failure to shift operations - Monitor process Motoric Problems - Can’t read writing Memory Problems - time and opportunity Difficulty with zero - Ensure understanding
Computation and Calculators Help develop skills Improves attitude towards math Higher achievement
Problem Solving Skills FAST DRAW- Strategy for walking students through problem solving. Read for those who need it Reword Visualize Estimate Guide to answer
Integrate Math Problem Solving into Curriculum Science Social Studies Language Arts