What is a philosophical question? Should you lock up something or someone that is free? Does everybody have the same rights? Who puts the price on the things in life?
PHILOSOPHICAL OR CLOSED QUESTIONS…? 1. Which major river flows through Paris? 2. When was the Battle of Hastings? 3. Which type of Christianity is led by the Pope? 4. Are words ‘real’? 5. What makes something ‘cold’? 6. What makes something ‘beautiful’? 7. A £10000 car is discounted by 25%. What does it cost? 8. When should people get married? 9. Is it ever good to lie?
PHILOSOPHICAL OR CLOSED QUESTIONS…? 1. Which major river flows through Paris? 2. When was the Battle of Hastings? 3. Which type of Christianity is led by the Pope? 4. Are words ‘real’? 5. What makes something ‘cold’? 6. What makes something ‘beautiful’? 7. A £10000 car is discounted by 25%. What does it cost? 8. When should people get married? 9. Is it ever good to lie?
Critical Judging other people’s views and arguing your own points Creative Thinking of new ideas, Caring Accepting and respecting other people’s views Collaborative Working together as a community, listening to other views The process of P4C These things are essential!
Guidelines for the session All thoughts and ideas are just as important as each other – so listen to them all! Give everyone a turn at speaking Don’t interrupt when someone else is talking Give support and help them add things Don’t say anything mean, stupid or unpleasant If you don’t want to say anything you don’t have to. Don’t laugh unkindly at something someone has said Think before you ask a question
Let’s have a go
1) Stimulus2) story 3) concepts 4) questions
I think……………..because…….. I agree with……….because……. I disagree with………..because…….. I would like to ask……(name of child)………… I would like to add to what….(name of child)said…….. Let’s discuss our question The process of P4C BUILDCHALLENGE Remember: When we discuss our question begin to think about whether you: ACCEPT Stuck? Use these sentence starters to help!
Stimulus pictures