Bridging Cultures: Delivering Culturally Appropriate Care
Five Objectives: Define cultural competence in health care Identify elements of culture Describe reasons why cultural competence is important in health care Describe three key stages to developing cultural competence Describe the protocol for accessing interpretation services
What is Culture? Culture is the beliefs, ideals, and norms of a particular group expressed in language, dress, behavior and symbols
Cultural Competence is: Recognition of cultural beliefs, attitudes, language preferences and practices of diverse populations Application of knowledge and understanding at the individual and organizational levels to produce positive health outcomes
Cultural competence begins with awareness Dress Language Body posture Physical appearance Age Gender Physical abilities Elements of culture that can be seen or heard include :
Other aspects of culture are not as obvious: Religion Beliefs Ethics Customs Diet needs and preferences Family structure Sexual identity
Why is Cultural Competence important? The face of the Lehigh Valley is changing
Why must the hospital provide culturally competent care? It is the right thing to do! It is required by regulatory and accrediting agencies: –JCAHO –Office of Minority Health –U.S. Department of Health and Human Services CLAS standards (Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services) out of Office of Minority Health, from the US Dept of Health & Human (Title 6) CLAS Standard Themes
Why is Cultural Competence Important? Reduces disparities in health care Provides quality care Increases positive patient outcomes Improves patient satisfaction Necessary for patient safety Decreases the likelihood of liability/malpractice claims
LVHHN’s commitment to cultural competence : Supports a workforce that reflects diversity in culture, race, ethnicity and gender Orients all employees on sensitivity to other cultures Addresses cultural sensitivity in the annual performance evaluation Offers tools and resources to assist staff in communicating with patients in other languages
Key Stages to Developing Cultural Competence 1.Develop an awareness 2.Show respect 3.Begin making changes
Cultural competence in health care is important because it recognizes and values the diversity of the patients we serve; it applies knowledge and understanding of differences to produce positive health outcomes
Review Cultural competence in health care is: Required by regulations. –It also facilitates safe, quality care; improves outcomes and patient satisfaction; and it is the right thing to do.
First Key Stage –Develop an awareness and understand your own: –Attitudes and behaviors –Reactions to others whom you perceive as “different” –Personal and cultural viewpoints and influences
Second Key Stage –Show respect –Do NOT use family members as interpreters –Maintain privacy and confidentiality –Identify health beliefs for each patient –Treat each patient as an individual –Show respect even when you do not understand –Avoid judging –Avoid stereotyping
Third Key Stage –Begin making changes –Get to know your patient –Patients may not see the world as you do –See patients as members of a family –Accommodate cultural preferences whenever possible
Cross – Cultural Communication We communicate how we feel and what we need through words, actions, and emotions Even when two people speak the same language, different values and beliefs can affect understanding Trained Medical Interpreters can help bridge communication when people do not speak the same language Cultural Competence teaches us how to bridge differences in cultures... Spoken language is just one of the ways we can do this.
Where can I find information on Cultural Differences and Interpretation Services at Lehigh Valley Hospital?
Cultural Differences Resources: Cultural Clues ™ Designed to increase awareness about concepts and preferences of patients from diverse cultures The link to these documents is found on the LVH Intranet home page under “Employee Resources” (upper left column) Search the Internet
Interpretation Services 1.Assess Patient Need: Utilize Screening Instrument for patient’s language preference (multiple language assessment tool… patient points to appropriate language) (Screening instrument on next page)
Interpretation Services (continued) 2.Access the Language Line ( ) for linguistic assistance in over 127 languages. 3.For Sign Language assistance: Access the Interpreters_List Bulletin Board for contracted agencies and individual contractors who are available 24/7. It is the responsibility of the unit to arrange for these services for the patient.
Cedar Crest Site Spanish Interpreter Needed Coverage from 7am-7pm Monday-Friday Any other language other than Spanish call *Language Call or Page ID# 1173 for triage Triage will send Full-time Trained Medical Interpreter/ If one is not available then triage will send a cross trained interpreter Call *Language Line for all languages other than *Language Line digit account # State your cost center # And language needed 7pm-7am or weekends All languages including Spanish call *Language Line Use cross trained staff interpreter within cost center Muhlenberg Site Spanish Interpreter Needed Coverage from 7am-7pm Monday- Friday Any other language other than Spanish call *Language Call Page ID#6767 & Enter you call back # 7pm-7am or weekends All languages including Spanish call *Language Line Use trained staff interpreter within cost center Interpreters / Communication Assistance