Space Exploration Second graders will begin learning about space, planets and the moon phases in connection with our new project this week.
Noise Level 1 1. Monday 1. Discuss the Talk About It on page Read Prairie Problem and Be Careful! We’re Almost Gone on pages 82 and 83to learn your new vocabulary words. 2. Tuesday 1. Focus: Vocabulary and Comparatives and Superlatives 1. Read A Way to Help Planet Earth on pages Wednesday 1. Focus: Description 2. Finish reading A Way to Help Planet Earth on pages Read Water Troubles and answer questions on pages Thursday 1. Focus: Study Skills: Changes in Print 2. Begin the comprehension packet on A Way to Help Planet Earth. Friday 1. Finish the comprehension packet for A Way to Help Planet Earth. Helping Planet Earth Materials Needed Treasures Book, Pencils, Comprehension Packets I Can: Read and understand nonfiction and informational text Identify real-life connections between words and their use Project Connection: Planets, Space, Moon phases
Noise Level 1 1. Monday 1. Think about what you know about the moon, the planets or space. Use the books about space in the project tub to help you get ideas if needed. Think of rhyming words that you could use to write a poem or song about space. 2. Tuesday 1. Start writing your song or poem about the moon, space or the planets. Remember to include information that you know or have read in the project books to help you. 3. Wednesday 1. Continue writing your poem or song. 4. Thursday 1. Begin typing the final draft of your writing. 5. Friday 1. Finish typing your final draft of your poem or song. 2. Share your writing with a partner at your group. I Can: Write rhymes and simple poems Recite poems, rhymes, songs and stories Materials Needed: Pencil, Paper, Computer Project Connection: Planets, Space, Moon phases
Noise Level 0 1.Choose a library book or a book of choice that you have not read. 2.Be sure you picked a book that you can read alone. 3.Silently read. 4.After you finish your book, write the name of the book in your Data Binder. 5.Be sure to fill in the information about your book in your binder. 6.If you can answer all the questions in your Data Binder, get your laptop and log on to AR to take your test. 7.Record your AR score in your Data Binder. Materials Needed Data binder Book of choice I Can Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
Noise Level 1 Monday: Start the spelling packet. Tuesday: Finish the spelling packet and turn in to the turn in file. Wednesday: Game Thursday: Spelling City Review Friday: Test! I Can Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds. Distinguish long and short vowels Materials Needed: 1.Spelling Packet 2.Vocab list Project Connection: Challenge words
Noise Level 1 1. Monday Equivalent Fractions with Cards 2. Pages 200, 201, Tuesday Fraction Number Stories 2. Pages 205 and Wednesday Fraction Number Stories 2. Pages 207 and Thursday 1. TEST I Can: Recognize fractions as parts of a whole Name and compare fractions Know that when all parts are included, a fraction is equal to 1 Materials Needed Math Journal, Pencil Fraction Cards Project Connection: Fractions/ Moon phases
Noise Level 1 With your knowledge of Equivalent Fractions, you will use the card deck with equivalent fractions this week to play Equivalent Fraction Top-It with your partner. Directions: Deal the cards out equally to each player face down. Each player turns over one card at a time. The player with the highest value fraction wins the cards. If there are equivalent fractions, lay out 3 more cards and turn one over. Then, the highest fractions wins the original cards and the extras for the round. The last player with cards remaining wins! Use the pictures of the fractions to help you compare the values. I Can: Recognize fractions as parts of a whole Name and compare fractions Know that when all parts are included, a fraction is equal to 1 Materials Needed Equivalent Fraction Card Deck Project Connection: Fractions/ Moon phases
Noise Level 1 Monday Equivalent Fraction Game Math Journal pages 198 and 199 Tuesday Write your own number story using fractions Math Masters 419 Turn in to the Math File at the end of the station. Wednesday Use links on our 2 nd Grade Webpage Choose your level (easy to challenge) Thursday Test! I Can: Recognize fractions as parts of a whole Name and compare fractions Know that when all parts are included, a fraction is equal to 1 Materials Needed Coins Math Master Copies Pencils Project Connection: Fractions/ Moon phases
Noise Level 0 Log on to Everyday Math Online using your EM card. 1. Monday 1. Two Player Games 2. TOP-IT – Fractions with Pictures 2. Tuesday 1. Two Player Games 2. TOP-IT – Fractions with Pictures 3. Wednesday 1. Equivalent Fractions 4. Thursday 1. Equivalent Fractions I Can: Recognize fractions as parts of a whole Name and compare fractions Know that when all parts are included, a fraction is equal to 1 Materials Needed Computer EM Computer Card Project Connection: Fractions/ Moon phases