P.E.R.T. Diagnostic Learning Pathways Math, Reading, Writing
P.E.R.T. Diagnostic Learning Pathways Goal Approach Measurement Provide learning opportunities for developmental students Promote students one developmental level Require proof of growth for level-promotion Identify strengths and weaknesses through PERT Diagnostics Activate Learning Pathways aligned with weaknesses Set a clear goal and a clear path to achievement Use media and interactivity to engage the learning process Let students set the learning sequence and learning pace Allow students to prove growth Make performance easy to understand
College Success CollegeACE MDELCC13 Whole Number Operations MDELCC21 Applying Order of Operations MDELCC4 Integer Operations MDELCC5 Fraction Operations MDELCC20 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions MDELCC18 Constructing Expressions MDELCC22 Solving Linear Equations MDELCC24 Evaluating Exponents MDELCC7 Number Conversions MDELCC6 Decimal Operations MDELCC12 Simplifying Fractions PERT Diagnostic Pre-Test (30 questions) MDELCC13 Whole Number Operations MDELCC21 Applying Order of Operations MDELCC4 Integer Operations MDELCC5 Fraction Operations MDELCC20 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions MDELCC18 Constructing Expressions MDELCC22 Solving Linear Equations MDELCC24 Evaluating Exponents MDELCC7 Number Conversions MDELCC6 Decimal Operations MDELCC12 Simplifying Fractions PERT Diagnostic Post-Test (30 questions) MDELCC20 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions MDELCC18 Constructing Expressions MDELCC24 Evaluating Exponents MDELCC6 Decimal Operations MDELCC12 Simplifying Fractions Individualized Learning Pathway Instructional Resource Simplifying Fractions Practice Interactive Learning with Hints and Explanations (4 tasks) Performance Assessment A demonstration of learning for MDELCC12 (4 tasks) Pass = close pathway Fail = continue * once all pathways are closed … MDELCC13 Whole Number Operations MDELCC21 Applying Order of Operations MDELCC4 Integer Operations MDELCC5 Fraction Operations MDELCC20 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions MDELCC18 Constructing Expressions MDELCC22 Solving Linear Equations MDELCC24 Evaluating Exponents MDELCC7 Number Conversions MDELCC6 Decimal Operations MDELCC12 Simplifying Fractions PERT Placement % Growth 8.9% Growth 26.4% Growth 17.1% Growth 11.2% Growth MDELCC20 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions MDELCC18 Constructing Expressions MDELCC24 Evaluating Exponents MDELCC6 Decimal Operations MDELCC12 Simplifying Fractions MDELCC12 Simplifying Fractions Individualized Learning Pathway Instructional Resource Fraction Operations Practice Interactive Learning with Hints and Explanations (4 tasks) Performance Assessment A demonstration of learning for MDELCC5 (4 tasks) Pass = close pathway Fail = continue * Individualized Learning Pathway Instructional Resource Evaluating Exponents Practice Interactive Learning with Hints and Explanations (4 tasks) Performance Assessment A demonstration of learning for MDELCC24 (4 tasks) Pass = close pathway Fail = continue *
Components and Characteristics Technology-Enhanced Items Seamless Transition between Applications Pathway Continuation Authentic Response v. Selected Response Engaging Interactivity Higher Order Thinking and Cognitive Complexity Hints and Explanations – In-Task Feedback Item Exclusivity Automatic Generation of Individualized Learning Pathways Students will painlessly move between programs Poor performance will extend the Learning Pathway Performance items will become Practice items Not an endless loop
Pathway Learning Objects Text Highlight Students are asked to respond to a task by locating and identifying textual elements (words, sentences, paragraphs). Association (Drag-and-Drop) Students are asked to make associations between words, ideas, or syntactic or grammatical elements. Scored Short Answer Students are asked to type a word or phrase to respond to the task.
Pathway Learning Objects Formula Students are asked to respond to a task in mathematical language, including fractions, exponents, and square roots. Cloze Fill-in-the-Blank Students are asked to fill in one or more blanks within the context of an expression, equation, sentence, or paragraph. Cloze Multiple Choice Students are asked to make selections from lists of options in context to demonstrate comprehension-related skills and show logical connections between ideas.
Taxonomic Characteristics Analyze Apply Build Categorize Compare Compose Combine Construct Convert Describe Differentiate Examine Explain Generate Identify Infer Investigate Judge Justify Label Locate Produce Relate Revise Solve Sort Write
Additional Content Elements Hints (the “how”) Provide students with information, direction, and/or guidance during the task (practice tasks only). Hints may contain text and/or media elements. Explanations (the “why”) Provide analysis and reasoning related to why responses are correct or incorrect, including rule-based explanations (practice tasks only). Explanations may contain text and/or media elements. Test Tools Students will have access to a four-function calculator.
1.P.E.R.T. Diagnostic (Pre-test) a.By Competency Measurement Points 2.Learning Pathways a.Individual practice objects b.Individual performance objects 3.P.E.R.T. Diagnostic (Post-test) a.By Overall score b.With certain characteristics
Program Workflow Summary PERT Placement MDELCC13 Whole Number Operations MDELCC21 Applying Order of Operations MDELCC4 Integer Operations MDELCC5 Fraction Operations Instructional Resource Fraction Operations Practice Interactive Learning with Hints and Explanations (4 tasks) MDELCC13 Whole Number Operations MDELCC21 Applying Order of Operations MDELCC4 Integer Operations MDELCC5 Fraction Operations Performance within the defined scaled score range activates delivery of the P.E.R.T. Lower Level Diagnostic Performance below the competency- specific cut activates delivery of a competency- specific Learning Pathway Performance above the Learning Pathway cut ends the instructional sequence Overall performance determines final placement decision (for example: MAT0018 or MAT0028) P.E.R.T. Placement P.E.R.T. Lower Diagnostic (Pre) Learning Pathways P.E.R.T. Lower Diagnostic (Post)
Program Workflow Diagram