1. The Question You are an architect going back in time to visit temples in four ancient civilizations. What do you find in each temple that is beautiful and unique? 6 Next Public domain from Art Images for College Teaching The Temple of Concord These materials are © 2004 FILLMORE CENTRAL SCHOOL, all rights reserved.
2. Information Sources The Mayan, Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations all used architecture to help create their unique cultures. You will use four different websites or classroom books to explore the architecture of ancient civilizations. These materials are © 2004 FILLMORE CENTRAL SCHOOL, all rights reserved. 6 Next Public domain from Art Images for College Teaching Chichen-Itza You will look at temples from Mayan, Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations.
3. The Student Activity Explore the sites below to help you examine temple designs from different cultures. Fill in the open end questions and the chart. Mayan - Greek - Roman Egyptian What do you find uniquely beautiful about the temple design from each culture. You may draw and/or list things these. Mayan –- Greek – Roman – Egyptian – These materials are © 2004 FILLMORE CENTRAL SCHOOL, all rights reserved. 6 Next Ancient TemplesMaterialsDimensionsColumnsFunctionName of TempleLocation Mayan Greek Roman Egyptian......
4. The Assessment Activity These materials are © 2004 FILLMORE CENTRAL SCHOOL, all rights reserved. 6 Next Public domain from Art Images for College Teaching Temple of Portunus You are going back in time. You will be an architect in an ancient civilization. You need to design a temple that has elements from four different ancient cultures. The cultures you must draw from are the Mayan, Egyptian, Greek and Roman. Using the information from the previous page, compare and contrast the different temples of the four ancient cultures. This information will be used for your final product. Then choose architectural elements from all four cultures that could be built with local resources. What kind of temple would you create? Draw an elevation (a view of all four sides) of your temple clearly labeling the architectural elements from each culture. Indicate the local materials used.
5. Enrichment Activities 6 Next Free use from GoGraph The following are excellent sites about temples in the different cultures: These materials are © 2004 FILLMORE CENTRAL SCHOOL, all rights reserved.
New York State Social Studies Standard Standard #2 The skills of historical analysis include the ability to investigate differing and competing interpretations of the theories of history, hypothesize about why interpretations change over time, explain the importance of historical evidence, and understand the concepts of change and continuity over time. Standard #3 Geography can be divided into six essential elements which can be used to analyze important historic, geographic, economic, and environmental questions and issues. These six elements include: the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical settings (including natural resources), human systems, environment and society, and the use of geography. (Adapted from The National Geography Standards, 1994: Geography for Life) New York State Art Standards Standard #1Students will actively engage in the processes that constitute creation and performance in the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts) and participate in various roles in the arts. Standard #3 Students will respond critically to a variety of works in the arts, connecting the individual work to other works and to other aspects of human endeavor and thought. Standard #4 Explore art and artifacts from various historical periods and world cultures to discover the roles that art plays in the lives of people of a given time and place and to understand how the time and place influence the visual characteristics of the art work. Students will explore art to understand the social, cultural, and environmental dimensions of human society. 6. Teacher Support Materials These materials are © 2004 FILLMORE CENTRAL SCHOOL, all rights reserved.