Math 6. 1 st Quarter Math 6 Properties of Real Numbers 6.19 Sequences 6.17 Number 6.5, 6.8 and 6.3 Equations and Inequalities 6.18 and 6.20.


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Math 6

1 st Quarter Math 6 Properties of Real Numbers 6.19 Sequences 6.17 Number 6.5, 6.8 and 6.3 Equations and Inequalities 6.18 and 6.20

2 nd Quarter Math 6 Ratios 6.1 Rational Numbers 6.2, 6.7, 6.4, and 6.6 BENCHMARK

3 rd Quarter Math 6 Measurement 6.9 Coordinate Plane 6.11 Geometry 6.13, 6.12, and 6.10

4 th Quarter Math 6 Volume and Surface Area 6.10d Probability and Statistics 6.16, 6.15, and 6.14

SOLs for Math 6 Number and Number Sense Focus: Relationships among Fractions, Decimals, and Percents 6.1The student will describe and compare data, using ratios, and will use appropriate notations, such as, a to b, and a:b. 6.2The student will a)investigate and describe fractions, decimals, and percents as ratios; b)identify a given fraction, decimal, or percent from a representation; c)demonstrate equivalent relationships among fractions, decimals, and percents; and d)compare and order fractions, decimals, and percents. 6.3The student will a)identify and represent integers; b)order and compare integers; and c)identify and describe absolute value of integers. 6.4The student will demonstrate multiple representations of multiplication and division of fractions. 6.5The student will investigate and describe concepts of positive exponents and perfect squares.

SOLs for Math 6 Computation and Estimation Focus: Applications of Operations with Rational Numbers 6.6The student will a)multiply and divide fractions and mixed numbers; and b)estimate solutions and then solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions. 6.7The student will solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals. 6.8The student will evaluate whole number numerical expressions, using the order of operations.

SOLs for Math 6 Measurement Focus: Problem Solving with Area, Perimeter, Volume, and Surface Area 6.9The student will make ballpark comparisons between measurements in the U.S. Customary System of measurement and measurements in the metric system. 6.10The student will a)define π (pi) as the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter; b)solve practical problems involving circumference and area of a circle, given the diameter or radius; c)solve practical problems involving area and perimeter; and d)describe and determine the volume and surface area of a rectangular prism.

SOLs for Math 6 Geometry Focus: Properties and Relationships 6.11The student will a)identify the coordinates of a point in a coordinate plane; and b)graph ordered pairs in a coordinate plane. 6.12The student will determine congruence of segments, angles, and polygons. 6.13The student will describe and identify properties of quadrilaterals.

SOLs for Math 6 Probability and Statistics Focus: Practical Applications of Statistics 6.14The student, given a problem situation, will a)construct circle graphs; b)draw conclusions and make predictions, using circle graphs; and c)compare and contrast graphs that present information from the same data set. 6.15The student will a)describe mean as balance point; and b)decide which measure of center is appropriate for a given purpose. 6.16The student will a)compare and contrast dependent and independent events; and b)determine probabilities for dependent and independent events.

SOLs for Math 6 Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Focus: Variable Equations and Properties 6.17The student will identify and extend geometric and arithmetic sequences. 6.18The student will solve one-step linear equations in one variable involving whole number coefficients and positive rational solutions. 6.19The student will investigate and recognize a)the identity properties for addition and multiplication; b)the multiplicative property of zero; and c)the inverse property for multiplication. 6.20The student will graph inequalities on a number line.

Mercer Middle School Welcome to 6 th grade Mr. Maclin Math 6

Materials Needed Daily Math 3- ring binder Pencils/Pen (blue, black, and red ink) Textbooks (Math-Blue book reference) Loose-leaf notebook paper Student agenda

The following supplies should be available for home use: Calculator Protractor Ruler Colored pencils or crayons Computer ( w/ internet if available)

Homework Practices (Math) Homework will be assigned on a daily basis. It will be checked for completion in class. I believe homework is assigned for reinforcement of what was taught in class. Therefore, it is important for students to complete their homework to improve their math skills.

Homework is due the very next class period. Homework and other assignments will be written on the board and should be copied by the students everyday in his/her school provided agenda. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that his/her homework is copied down into the agenda.

Procedure for an Absence (Math) Students that are absent will be given as many days they were absent to complete any make-up work. If an assignment was due the day of their absence it is due the day they return. All make-up summative assessments will need to be made up as soon as possible, preferable the day they return.

Classroom Expectations (Math) I believe in having high expectations for students to follow and I feel that each student should abide by the expectations. The essential reason we all here is for each child to learn. In order for this to occur, the students need to have a comfortable, orderly learning environment.

Formatives (Homework/Assessments) Formative Assessments- Homework is given every class! You must write your assignments in your agenda daily! Math homework is due the next class…please do not wait until resource class to start it! Homework is worth 2 points if it is completed and on time, 1 point if it is incomplete or a day late, 0 points after that. These are formative assessments and are not counted a quarterly grade, but are an indication of how well they are progressing towards mastery of these new concepts. Formative Assessments- Check (for understanding) Classwork checks/Intro/exit tickets are use to assess understanding of the concepts taught. This will be on a scale progression of: (4-exceeds)-(3-meets)-(2-Progressing)-(1-Below) and is NOT a direct contribution to a student’s grade.

Summative Assessments- (Quizzes/Test) Try to do your best the first time! (study, study, study) If a student earns a 60% or below, they must take a re-take. ***Re-takes are only given when corrections are made on the quiz/test, when all homework is completed and when the student participates in some re-teaching time prior to retaking the assessment. The re-take will not be exactly the same as the original assessment.

Grading System A C A C A D B D B D B F) C

Team Expectations: We will… 1. Support Others 2. Try Our Best 3. Arrive on Time and Prepared 4. Respect Everyone 5. Stay Organized