What is your chosen career? Choose the career that you want and could achieve with your current grades as an average. Name of Career: Average salary: Educational requirements how long do you need to go to school could you do it with your current grades? BE HONEST:
Choose Either the College Track or the Trade school Tech School Track 1.If your chosen Career requires a college degree choose 4 Year college. 2. If your chosen career requires a certification, such as electrition, A/C repair, Long Hall Truck driver choose Trade or Tech school. 3. You may only choose a sports career, IF you are currently ranked number 1 or 2 in the state athletic conference and can provide documentation. 4, You may only choose an entertainment singing/dancing/rapping if you currently have a professional job in that field and can provide documentation.
College or University You must meet the requirements for entry with your current GPA. University: What is the average GPA accepted? If you don’t have it choose another university or career. How much is room, and tuition per year? If you want an apartment budged per year for rent, food utilities, that leaves no money for luxuries. (shoes clothes) How much will you need to borrow to graduate in 4 years? If you would currently qualify for scholarships with your grades you may subtract the award from your total cost. What is the total cost for 4 years –scholarships =
Trade School or Tech School What is the average GPA accepted? How much is room, and tuition per year? If you want an apartment budget per year for rent, food utilities, that leaves no money for luxuries. (shoes clothes) What certification tests do you need to pass and if your % in English was your % correct on those exams could you pass?
Further Education Graduate School: Does your job require additional education? If the answer is yes complete this slide. Law, Medical or Graduate school admissions are very competitive. What is the average GPA accepted? How much is room, and tuition per year? If you want an apartment budget per year for rent, food utilities, that leaves no money for luxuries. (shoes clothes) How much will you need to borrow to graduate in 2-6 years? No Scholarships for Grad School.
Current Debt Add up all the money you have had to borrow to live, and pay tuition for your education so far. Make sure to add it for EVERY year you are in school to get your degree! Total = Each year after you finish your education you must pay on the loan 5 percent of the loan + 6 percent interest per year. Calculate your monthly payment here: Total X.11 divided by 12 is your monthly payment. You will be done paying it off in 20 years.
Now you get to live Find a Car you want: What is it? How much does it cost? Monthly payment is total cost X 1.05 divided by 60 months to get your monthly payment=
Find a house you want to live in. In the city and state you want to live in get a picture and description of the house, bedrooms, baths, size of the garage and yard. Total cost: Monthly Payment: Total cost X.09 divided by 12= Monthly Payment Cost:
Bills Take your average salary and subtract 40 percent for taxes and fees: then divide by 12 New take home salary= Car payment: House payment: Electricity: $125 for every 1000 square feet of house you own. Water $25 for every bathroom in your house. Gas $50 for every 1000 square feet Cable and internet 150 per month Cell phone bill your current bill=
Bills continued Property Taxes on your house: $100 per month per $100,000 of your house. Property, and auto insurance: $250 per month Health Insurance $350 per month per person Gas for car: 250 per month with one tank per week. FUN: Dining out, movies, parties: $200 per month
Costs continued Saving for a nice vacation: $100 per month per person in your family. Pet: $50 per pet per month Yard care: $75 per month Retirement savings: $250 per month Debt monthly payment from education:_____ Kids: 500 per month per child for childcare until they go to school then 250 per month:
What do you have left: Take your monthly earnings:____________ Minus your total expenses:______________ What do you have left: ________________ Is that the kind of life you want? Write a 1 page reflection on this process and where you will end up if you follow your current path. Do you need to change your habits?