An intro to “Education no longer comes in rows and textbooks, but from a combination of sources.”
Use Multimedia to Present Knowledge and Ideas. Elementary Content Becomes Interactive! Any content area All you need is a relevant photo Choose your URL links Let the exploring begin! Kansas State Symbols Kansas State Symbols - Sample Midwest Region Midwest Region - Sample
Use Multimedia to Present Knowledge and Ideas. Essential Question: Why and how did people struggle for social justice during the Civil Rights Movement? Montgomery Bus Boycott Thinglink Sample Choose an Essential Question to drive learning. Allow students to work in groups to prompt discussion. Serve as a facilitator: challenge them to dig deep.
Word Cloud Sample- 13 Colonies States of Matter Sample Define Vocabulary! Add vocabulary to deepen the understanding of words that cannot be acquired through independent reading. Dig Deep & Understand More!
Extend the Walls of Your Classroom Let students explore and question on their own before you begin a new unit. Independent learning that is creative & not BORING! Discussions go further in-depth from prior learning. Allows you to interact & challenge instead of feeding the information through lecture & handouts.
Blue Valley Tech Resource PageBlue Valley Tech Resource Page- Link. Create a free account Select a.jpeg photo that fits your subject Make a list of website URL’s that you want students to visit Create your photo in just a few minutes Share your photo on your School Center page or Edmodo Groups
Promote a book Go in-depth with a concept Fun way to make vocabulary come alive Student Portfolios History becomes interactive & not just reading text. Thinglink Photos can be turned into a QR code! Let's not forget Digital Citizenship. All images are linked back to original sources and credit is given.
More Examples Steve Jobs Comparing Fractions Teacher Blog on Math Study Guides-Awesome!