Comenius Project Lahr second year meeting
-Sustainable tourism against mass tourism Work Group 4
Sustainable tourism against mass tourism This topic is important since we explain what mass tourism and sustainable tourism are. They are significant terms to understand the relation between tourism and climate change. Further more, we’ve investigated their evolution, negative and positive aspects and some specific characteristics. We’ve tried to explain the basics and to show what’s the situation between mass and sustainable tourism, how they affect climate change, how the climate change affects and could affect them, which are the main factors involved with the expansion of sustainable tourism… all supported by data and examples.
Sustainable tourism against mass tourism Mass tourism Mass tourism is a type of tourism made for a lot of people that decide to travel during their holidays, all the same time. Its characteristics are: it’s passive, conventional, seasonal, it doesn’t make any difference between social and economic classes and it has economical, cultural, socio-political and climate effects. Negative effects - Mass tourism affects the entire ecosystem, natural areas and cultivated land. - There are socio-cultural impacts that are hard to identify. Some changes may be beneficial for a portion of society and negative for another. - Tourism may cause a large number of cost and damage regional culture, local and weak businesses. Positive effects: - Destinations without some care for the environment aren ’ t attractive for tourists. - Stimulates the value of the native culture and aids to renaissance it, if it has been forgotten to development. - Mass tourism generates income for the host country and for the visiting countries.
Sustainable tourism against mass tourism Relation between mass tourism and climate change Mass tourism evolution Mass tourism was originated by the rationalization of work and the extension of the idea to go on vacation. Since then, people from all countries have adopted this habit to their lives. It started in the 19 th century and increased at the end of the 20 th century. The mass tourism increased 50% during the 90’s and reached a big economic weight. Massive tourism has contributed to climate change but its effects may shaft tourism as well. Specifically for tourism, the effects of climate change concerns the place of origin of tourists and the chosen destination, because whatever the changes could be, the tourists interests would change. Specifically for tourism, the effects of climate change concerns the place of origin of tourists and the chosen destination, because whatever the changes could be, the tourists interests would change. Also, there are some phenomena that could have effects both in climate change and environment and over tourism: punctual accidents and constant phenomena.
Sustainable tourism against mass tourism Sustainable tourism Sustainable tourism appeared as a result of serious problems that mass tourism has caused to the environment, local population and their culture and also to the new consciousness of tourists. Its evolutions and expansion has been increasing since the end of 20 th century. It is a type of tourism that contributes to the sustainable development. Its objectives are not because of any type of problem, be focused to a sustainable development to maintain and improve the environmental quality and to maintain a high satisfaction level from visitors. Also, it pretends to generate benefits that are spread between the society and to preserve natural and cultural resources. Positive aspects: - It involves the local communities. - It permits the creation of work and new companies. - It creates economic profits. - Its specific character permits a unique experience. -Culture is revalued. Negative aspects: - It may be used just as image of tourism. - Big inversions are required. - If there is not a proper control, sustainable tourism may lead to a faster degradation of the resources and may cause social and cultural modifications. - With an inadequate tourist behavior, there could be cultural and important monuments degradation.
Sustainable tourism against mass tourism Sustainable traveller profile Criteria for choosing destinations Sustainable tourism nowadays The sustainable traveller is usually a person of medium age, with cultural interests and a lot of touristic experiences. He or She is concerned about the environment. He or She hasn’t got any special preference in destinations and he or she stays in family hotels. The climate and the scenery are the most relevant elements for tourists to choose their destinations, even the cost and accommodation are very important too. At the present time, there are already some offers to the tourists that can be classified as sustainable tourism. According to the following elements, we can deduce what offers are really sustainable or not. The sustainable ones are the ones that make respectful treatment of the environment in the lodging, touristic activities, transport and gastronomy.
Sustainable tourism against mass tourism Sustainable tourism and climate change Policies and marketing The influence of tourism on the climate change is one of the reasons this is important. There are some specific areas where is significant the application of sustainable tourism and, where in fact, the changes had already begun. - Tourism operators. - Companies of complementary offers. - Transportation. - Touristic lodging. Since the concern about sustainable development began, the different states have shown their interest to elaborate and start policies that favour to sustainable development and sustainable tourism. Some of them are: - Agenda 21 -Contribution of the World Tourism Organization to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WTO) -Sustainable Tourism Development in UNESCO Designated Sites in South-Eastern Europe Travellers are demonstrating preocupation in that aspect and this caused ecology to become a great tool in marketing
Sustainable tourism against mass tourism Tarragona Tarragona is a very important location for mass tourism. The important coast (Costa Daurada) and the Universal Studios Port Aventura are the principal attractions for tourists. But there are a lot of other beauties that make Tarragona a perfect sustainable tourism destination. Its historical heritage, the landscape, the culture and the typical Mediterranean gastronomy are very favourable elements to reach a sustainable tourism. Furthermore, there is rural tourism in its around. So, if sustainable tourism evolves like the principal model of tourism, Tarragona may be adapted easily and taking benefits in different aspects.
Sustainable tourism against mass tourism The tourism future is in sustainable tourism. The consideration of the sustainability as a need in the businesses related to tourism and the promotion of it in the marketing has and it’s going to the attitude of companies, that will take benefits showing their interest for the environment or being linked to programs or initiatives related to it to improve their image. If the population interest and conscientiousness referring to climate change, environment and sustainability and the initiatives at political level and the implication of the companies more related to tourism (like travel agencies and tour operators) still increasing, in a near future would be probably that the main tourism would be a non-harmful to environment tourism, more respectful and good for social cohesion and the local economy and culture. Moreover, the development of states would be improved with an efficient sustainable tourism and favouring to the recuperation of places. And, even it won’t counteract the climate change, it will favour it the less possible. We have to remember that this change needs the collaboration of all the members: enterprises, governments, society…