Consider this . . . Is your society’s view of god one of perfection or imperfection? For example, is your god(dess) all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good, or any combination of these three? If not, what are your god(s)’ limitations? Why would a god have limitations? What characteristics of your culture are captured in the imperfection of its god?
We’ve all got to start somewhere. CREATION We’ve all got to start somewhere.
How can literature influence cultural beliefs and social perceptions? Essential question: How can literature influence cultural beliefs and social perceptions?
Learning Targets Before we conclude this topic of study, I will be able to: Describe the cultural influences of creation myths. Identify archetypal features of creation myths. Compare and contrast creation myths originating from diverse world cultures. Write an original creation myth that includes common archetypal features. Present my creation myth to my peers.
Myth a traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation, especially one that is concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice, rite, or phenomenon of nature. Source:
Why do we need creation myths? The existence of the world must be explained. According to Joseph Campbell, “The question being answered is not who made the world or how, but rather the need for the presence of a creator being visible in all things.”
Metaphors in myths Metaphors are used in myths to explain higher concepts. Many of the stories of mystical monsters were merely representations of the fear conquered. Metaphors need to fit their culture. Metaphors should be universally acknowledged images. Or at least, they should be easily recognizable to people belonging to a specific culture.
Metaphor A metaphor, as defined in our glossary, is a figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something important in common. The word metaphor itself is a metaphor, coming from a Greek word meaning to "transfer" or "carry across." Metaphors "carry" meaning from one word, image, or idea to another.
How can metaphors help us understand creation myths? Metaphors are relevant to the geography around which the culture has developed. Japanese myths often focus on the ocean, while myths of the Midwest Indian tribes do not. Metaphors define the roles of men, women, animals, and possibly the interrelations among diverse cultures.
Creation myths The creation myth should follow the general format of a myth and include an explanation of basic human behavior. Creation myths are sometimes used to explain the separation between the god(s) and man. Pandora Prometheus
Jungian Archetypes Carl Jung developed the idea of the archetype as recurring patterns of behavior and situations among people of diverse backgrounds and cultures. Jung believed that archetypes transcend time and geography because they are part of the collective consciousness shared by all humans.
Joseph Campbell’s Literary Archetypes: Campbell used Jung’s theories to identify archetypal elements in history and literature. Campbell’s archetypes are: recurring patterns of images, situations, symbols, metaphors, and characters found in the mythology, religion, art, and dreams of cultures around the world.
The Creation Archetypes Creation from Primordial ‘soup’ Creation from Nothing Creation by Deus Faber Creation from Clay Creation from Dismemberment of Primordial Being Creation by Sacrifice Creation by Secretion Creation by Thought Creation by Word Creation by Trial and Error Earth Diver Creation from Cosmic Egg Creation from Division of Primordial Unity Creation from Chaos Creation by Emergence Creation from Ancestors Creation in Science
Primordial Soup PRIMORDIAL: Something exists, and then out of this something new is made. Often begins with water, chaos, darkness, etc. Modern evolutionary theory and ‘Big Bang’ theories use this base to explain their beliefs.
Creation from Nothing Ex nihilo or de novo. Ex Nihilo = from nothing. De novo Particularly popular in monotheistic religions. In ex nihilo myths the god figure creates the universe from nothing, by thought, word, or breath. Sometimes secretion is used as well. Greek, Hebrew, Indian, Mayan, Maori.
Creation by Deus Faber Creation by Deus Faber is the fabrication of the world by the Creator in his/her form as an Artist/Craftsmen. Uses the analogy or metaphor of a craft. In the Book of Job (34:4-5) Yahweh refers to creation as “laid the foundation of the earth” and “took its measurements.” This lends to the Hebrew architect image of God. Hebrew, Huron, Spider Woman, Yuki.
Creation from Clay Man created from clay, the ultimate symbol of the Earth. Being created from earth (clay) exists across many different cultures. Some theorize this is due to the maternal image of the earth. Others look at the malleability and see an easy creation concept. Blackfoot, Hebrew, Dyak, Egyptian, Polynesian.
Creation by Dismemberment These myths involve the cosmos being created by cutting up a pre-creation monster. Babylonian, Indian, Rig Veda, Norse.
Creation by Sacrifice Creation through the sacrifice of a god. Often dealt with as renewal through sacrifice as well. Jesus, Osiris, Attis, and Dionysus all have stories of this type of myth. Related heavily to Creation by Dismemberment.
Creation by Secretion Just what it sounds like…creation via bodily fluids. Very focused on the ‘divinity’ of life fluids. Creator’s bodily fluids: feces, urine sweat, semen, spit, vomit, and blood are all used in the creation of the world. Typically a solitary male god figure. Bantu, Boshongo, Chuckchee, Egyptian.
Creation by Thought Ex nihilo. Creation is a projection of the creator’s thoughts. This theory is hinted at in aboriginal dreaming creation. Powerful supreme being preexists existence, world contained in the Mind of God. Buddhist, Laguna, Navajo, Winnebago.
Creation by Word Ex nihilo. The Supreme Being speaks the Word and connects Logos or Cosmic Order. “And God said…” Hebrew, Christian, Mayan, Navajo.
Trial and Error Also thought of as Creation via aborted attempts. Initial attempts to create humanity are unsuccessful. First Man through poor or immoral behavior, may cause a fall. Heavy on instructional morality. Flaw may be either intentional, or creational. Often includes a destruction cycle as well.
Earth Diver Supreme Being sends an animal (duck, turtle into the primal waters. The water can often be seen as the unformed female principle, and the diver is the creator’s emissary to the principle. The Diver finds “earth” (sand, mud, rock, etc.) and it is brought to the surface. Water and descent have key importance in this mythic pattern. Common Native American creation.
Cosmic Egg Pre-creation void is a giant egg. Eggs are symbolic of the beginning of life. Logical connection between visible birth (hatching eggs) and universe creation. Cosmic egg is typically silver or gold, like the sun or moon. Chinese, Finnish, Indian, Japanese.
Creation by Division of Primordial Unity Breaking of the Cosmic Egg or the separation of cosmic parts from one another to make the universe. In many of these myths there is a newer god who must separate the “parents” to create the new world. Egyptian, etc.
Creation from Chaos “Out of Chaos…” Chaos is the Greek word for primal void. Chaos is often seen as a swirling mass of nothingness, out of which the Creator(s) craft the universe. Greek, Babylonian, Japanese, etc.
Creation by Emergence Mostly Native American. Involves the emergence of the people from an underworld. Underworld is typically seen as a “world womb” where all things are gestated until birth.
Creation from Ancestors This belief is that a prior people created the universe. Australian aborigines believed that their ancestors dreamed the world into existence.
Creation in Science Many creation theories in modern science have the myth of the beginning-less beginning. Scientists theorize that something existed before existence as a basis for the cosmos. Loosely called myths. Big-Bang Theory.
Archetypes within creation myths Character archetypes. Look for common character/deity roles. Numbers as symbols. Often Creation myths use numerology relevant to the culture. Anima/animus roles Male/Female gender roles/expectations defined. Cultural and moral values The ‘folk’ portions of the myths. Local instruction and behavior.
What are you going to do with all that knowledge? You will create a culture around which you will build your mythology. Be cautious and thoughtful in your process, this culture must be viable for all forms of myths. Important elements to document: Environment – geography, weather, wildlife Intra-Cultural relations – gender, politics, power Inter-Cultural relations – other cultures that relate directly to your own. Cultural behavior – violent/pacifist, hunting/agricultural, diplomacy/conflict.
Construct a creation myth Your myth must be based on the specific and unique elements of your culture. You must use metaphors to help your readers understand your culture. You must demonstrate your understanding of archetypes in the structure and elements of your myth.
Your culture’s creation myth must: Describe the state of existence before creation. Demonstrate your understanding of at least one creation archetype Identify and define your creator(s). Establish your cast of characters. Describe the state of existence after creation. Follow a general narrative format.
Tips to remember Keep your creation myth appropriate to the culture you have created. Your culture myth needs to fit the geography, scientific timeframe, and the world you have created. Be creative and logical. Your culture is primitive and has had no exposure to our often cynical culture.