1Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Bavarian Policy for Development of Innovation Centres European Day of the Entrepreneur Sofia, 4 th of November 2004 Andreas Lutz
2Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. GründerRegio M Founded 1998 as an association of the key players in supporting young Entrepreneurs Activities focused on the Munich Region but also in Bavaria and Europe 30 members: Universities, Incubators, VCs, banks, Chamber of Commerce, City of Munich and private companies Current projects: HOCHSPRUNG, EFFEKT!, PANEL, Bridge to the East, StartUp München
3Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Andreas Lutz Studies of Industrial Engineering in Germany, France and Spain Management Consultant (D, F, E) StartPoint-Centre for Energy and ICT (Incubator) Managing Director since 2004 Triebwerk Business Development Managing Director CFO of Gründer Regio M e.V. and former member of the advisory board and the jury of Munich Business Plan Competition deputy speaker of Bavarian Association of Business Incubators and co-founder of StartUp München
4Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Triebwerk Business Development powerful team with experts in business development, financing and internationalisation StartUp consulting and financing - business and financial plan, strategy, marketing, sales - financing (banks, VC, seed capital, public funds) International business development for German SMEs - market research, joint ventures, financing, public funding - spanish/french-speaking countries / Eastern Europe Interim and project management for German SMEs/StartUps and international companies starting business in Bavaria
5Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. High-Tech-Policy in Bavaria since 1994 Bavaria has invested huge sums of money from privatization in research and technology “Offensive Zukunft Bayern/Future Initiative Bavaria”: 1,7 Mrd € “High-Tech-Offensive/High-Tech-Initiative”: 1,4 Mrd € objectif: creation of jobs in key technologies life science, ICT and mechatronics new materials, environmental and energy technologies instruments: venture capital, interaction of public and private research, technology transfer, business plan competitions, creation of high-tech companies and high-tech innovation centres
6Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Definition Innovation Centres are an instrument to support the creation and the development of innovative and technology oriented companies, which are developing, realising and selling new products and services from results of R&D in the market as well as other business startups IC are instruments of regional economic and cluster development
7Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. 3 main tasks Stimulation and support of startups (see next slight) Support of technology transfer - researchers entrepreneur: direct technology transfer - common infrastructure for all companies - cooperation with universities and research institutes Support of regional development - participation in regional initiatives of economical development - attraction of direct investments
8Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. 3 main offers Consulting and Support for entrepreneurs and startups during the first steps of business development (management know how, contacts on a regional, national and international level, financing, …) Services and Infrastructure e.g. conference and meeting rooms, technical equipment, phone, fax, internet access or laboratories, reception, … Rooms offering suitable rooms with high flexibility in space, time and costs adapted to the development of the company highest effectiveness by an integrated offer of all part
9Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Innovation Centres in Germany 1 st IC founded in ICs in 2004 more than 20 years of experience companies / jobs in companies / jobs since companies left the incubators survival rate 90%
10Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Innovation Centres in Bavaria 23 high-tech-innovation centres m² 420 companies 200 Mio € turnover 2000 jobs 22 “normal” innovation centres survival rate 90-95% most of the ICs financed with public money
11Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Six ICs in the Munich region MTZ Munich Technology Centre, München GATE, Garching software, mechatronics, close to Technical University StartPoint, Brunnthal Energy and ICT technologies, close to EADS, BOSCH, etc. IZB, Martinsried red biotechnology, close to medical campus / hospital of LMU IZB, Freising-Weihenstephan green biotechnology, close to TU und FH Weihenstephan GZM Gründerzentrum für Neue Medien, Unterföhring new media, close to TV, production companies
12Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Munich ICs are … located close to universities/R&D institutes or large industrial companies with R&D activitites participate in regional initiatives to foster technology oriented companies (MBPW, StartUp, …) or/and strong partners in regional networks (GründerRegio M, VC, banks, R&D, Chamber of Industry...) have clear target groups technological focus (biotechnology, ICT, energy, new media) are managed by professional teams of at least 2/3 qualified persons high personal costs are financed with public money or have public owners deficit funding in some cases
13Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Example: Phase I: temporary incubator in Moosach/Munich m 2 useable floor space Meeting rooms Networking, Events Not nearby Universities you don‘t need a new building to start an incubator Phase II: gate garching New building: m 2 useable office space 550 m² production and laboratory 2 meeting rooms 110 ² and 50 ² Excellent IT-infrastructure Nearby TU München, faculty for computer science
14Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Example:
15Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Example: State of Bavaria Advisory Board Software-Campus Manager Technische Universität München Owner of Building private investor Managing Company gate - Garchinger Technologie- und Gründer- Zentrum GmbH Owner of Estate State of Bavaria
16Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Example: Reception – – Visitors – – Telephone – – copy machine, fax, post office Short term renting/flexibility Coaching Partners Events, Workshops, Symposia Marketing Trade fairs (e.g. Systems)
17Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Recommendations look for regional partners and build a strong project team develop a sustainable business concept start small (2.000 – m²) enlarge if you are successful location not too far away from university look for a experienced management team young networker with good contacts, experience in financing and business development create a good atmosphere for startups THE location for startups no politics in daily business regional consensus
18Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Experience / Support 4 members GründerRegio M are regional ICs GründerRegio M has his office in MTZ GründerRegio M and his partners have large experience in planning and operating ICs Building, technical and IT-equipment, Organizational framework / financing Services, contracts, rental conditions Selection and training of management team
19Andreas Lutz, Vorstand GründerRegio M e.V. Thank you for your attention Kontakt GründerRegio M e.V. Andreas Lutz Frankfurter Ring 193a D Munich Tel.-No: / Fax-No: / Triebwerk Business Development Andreas Lutz Schulstrasse 2 D Munich Tel.-No: / Fax-No: /