MATTER The Particle Theory
Particle Theory of Matter 1. All matter is made of small particles
2. Each substance has its own kind of particle, which is different from other substances
3. Particles attract each other When particles are closer, the attraction is stronger 4. Particles are always moving Particles possess kinetic energy Particles vibrate, rotate, and translate Particles attract and always moving
Particle Theory of Matter 5. Particles move quickly at high temperatures, and move slowly at low temperatures heating and cooling particles
Explain Solids have a hard rigid shape and a definite volume #3 – particles are very close together and attract eachother
Explain Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas but carbon dioxide is not, even though they both consist of carbon and oxygen #2 – each substance has its own kind of particle which is different from other substances
Explain A balloon filled with helium gas shrinks when taken outside on a cold winter day #5 – particles move more slowly at cooler temperatures and thus, move closer together
Explain In which container will a tablespoon of sugar dissolve faster: in a cup of hot tea or in a glass of iced tea (neither is stirred) #5 – in a cup of hot tea: particles are moving faster and therefore, they spread apart more quickly