ITRS Public Conference Emerging Research Devices 2011 ERD Chapter Jim Hutchby – SRC December 14, 2011
Emerging Research Devices Working Group Hiro Akinaga AIST Tetsuya Asai Hokkaido U. Yuji Awano Keio U. George Bourianoff Intel Michel Brillouet CEA/LETI John Carruthers PSU Ralph Cavin SRC Chorn-Ping Chang AMAT An Chen GLFOUNDRIES U-In Chung Samsung Byung Jin Cho KAIST Sung Woong Chung Hynix Luigi Colombo TI Shamik Das Mitre Simon Deleonibus LETI Bob Doering TI Tetsua Endoh Tohoku U. Bob Fontana IBM Paul Franzon NCSU Akira Fujiwara NTT Mike Garner Consultant Dan Hammerstrom PSU Wilfried Haensch IBM Tsuyoshi Hasegawa NIMS Shigenori Hayashi Matsushita Dan Herr SRC Toshiro Hiramoto U. Tokyo Matsuo Hidaka ISTEK Jim Hutchby SRC Adrian Ionescu EPFL Kiyoshi Kawabata Renesas Tech Seiichiro Kawamura Selete Suhwan Kim Seoul Nation U Hyoungjoon Kim Samsung Atsuhiro Kinoshita Toshiba Dae-Hong Ko Yonsei U. Hiroshi Kotaki Sharp Mark Kryder INSIC Franz Kreupl Tech. U. Munich Zoran Krivokapic GLOBALFOUNDRIES Kee-Won Kwon Seong Kyun Kwan U. Jong-Ho Lee Hanyang U. Thomas Liew ASTAR DSI Lou Lome IDA Matthew Marinella SNL Hiroshi Mizuta U. Southampton Kwok Ng SRC Fumiyuki Nihei NEC Dmitri Nikonov Intel Kei Noda Kyoto U. Ferdinand Peper NICT Er-Xuan Ping AMAT Yaw Obeng NIST Yutaka Ohno Nagoya U. Dave Roberts Nantero Shintaro Sato Fujitsu Labs Barry Schechtman INSIC Sadas Shankar Intel Takahiro Shinada Waseda U. Masayuki Shirane U. Tokyo Kaushal Singh AMAT Satoshi Sugahara Tokyo Tech Shin-ichi Takagi U. Tokyo Ken Uchida Toshiba Thomas Vogelsang Rambus Yasuo Wada Toyo U. Rainer Waser RWTH A Franz Widershoven NXP Jeff Welser NRI/IBM Philip Wong Stanford U. Dirk Wouters IMEC Kojiro Yagami Sony David Yeh SRC/TI Hiroaki Yoda Toshiba In-K Yoo SAIT Victor Zhirnov SRC
Evolution of Extended CMOS Elements More Than Moore Existing technologies New technologies Beyond CMOS year
Changed Scope of Emerging Research Devices Chapter New More-than-Moore Section added – Focused on RF Emerging Research Memory Devices section broadened in 2011 to include: New “Storage Class Memory” Subsection New “Memory Select Device” Subsection Emerging Research Logic changed Transitioned n-InGaAs & p-Ge alternate channel MOSFETs to PIDS & FEP. Synchronized better with the Nanoelectronics Research Initiative (NRI) Expanded technology Benchmarking section Expanded Architecture Section
Assessing Emerging Research -- 2011 ERD Chapter Assessing Emerging Research -- Memory Devices Logic Devices More-than-Moore Devices Architectures Benchmarking Emerging Devices
2009 Memory Technology Entries Emerging Memory Technologies Nanoionic Memory Electrochemical memory Valence change memory Fuse/Antifuse (Thermochemical memory) Molecular Memory Spin Transfer Torque MRAM Nanoelectromechanical RAM Nanowire PCM Macromolecular (Polymer) Electronic Effects Memory Charge trapping Metal-Insulator Transition (Mott Device) Ferroelectric Gate Memory
2011 Memory Technology Entries Emerging Memory Technologies Redox Resistive Memory Electrochemical memory Valence change memory Fuse/Antifuse (Thermochemical memory) Molecular Memory Spin Transfer Torque MRAM Nanoelectromechanical RAM Nanowire PCM Macromolecular (Polymer) Electronic Effects Memory Charge trapping Metal-Insulator Transition (Mott Device) Ferroelectric Effects Memory Fe (gate)FET Memory Ferroelectric Barrier Memory
ERD/ERM Memory Technology Assessment Workshop ITRS ERD/ERM identified two emerging memory technologies for accelerated research & development: 1) STT-MRAM and 2) Redox Resistive RAM STT-Memory Cell Redox Memory Cell
One Diode – One Resistor (1D1R) Memory Cell Device Select Device Select Device H-S. P. Wong – Stanford U.
Emerging Memory Devices Emerging Logic Devices More-than-Moore Devices 2011 ERD Chapter Emerging Memory Devices Emerging Logic Devices More-than-Moore Devices Benchmarking and Assessing Emerging Devices Emerging Architectures
2009 Logic Technology Tables Table 12a – Extending MOSFETs to the End of the Roadmap _______ CNT FETs Graphene nanoribbon FETs III-V n&p-Channel MOSFETs Ge p&n-Channel MOSFETs Nanowire FETs Non-conventional Geometry Devices Table 12b- Unconventional FETS, Charge-based “Beyond CMOS” Devices _____________ Spin FET& Spin MOSFET Negative Cg MOSFET Atomic Switch NEMS switch Tunnel FET I-MOS SET Table 12c - Non-FET, Non Charge-based “Beyond CMOS” Devices _______________ Moving domain wall devices Pseudo-spintronic Devices Nanomagnetic Logic(M:QCA) Molecular Switch BiSFET
2011 Logic Technology Tables Table 12a – Extending MOSFETs to the End of the Roadmap _______ CNT FETs Graphene nanoribbon FETs III-V n-Channel MOSFETs Ge p-Channel MOSFETs III-V p-Channel MOSFETs Ge n-Channel MOSFETs Nanowire FETs Tunnel FET Non-conventional Geometry Devices Table 12b- Unconventional FETS, Charge-based “Beyond CMOS” Devices _____________ Spin FET& Spin MOSFET Negative Cg MOSFET Atomic Switch NEMS switch Mott FET Tunnel FET I-MOS SET Table 12c - Non-FET, Non Charge-based ‘“Beyond CMOS” Devices _______________ Spin Torque Majority Gate Spin Wave Devices Moving domain wall devices Pseudo-spintronic Devices Nanomagnetic Logic(M:QCA) All Spin Logic Molecular Switch Excitonic FET BiSFET
ERD/ERM Logic Technology Recommended Focus: Carbon-based Nanoelectronics – Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Conventional Devices Band gap engineered Graphene nanoribbons Graphene quantum dot (Manchester group) FET Nonconventional Devices Son et al. Nature (07) Graphene Spintronics Trauzettel et al. Nature Phys. (07) Graphene pseudospintronics Cheianov et al. Science (07) Graphene Veselago lense P. Kim – Columbia U.
Emerging Memory Devices Emerging Logic Devices More-than-Moore Devices 2011 ERD Chapter Emerging Memory Devices Emerging Logic Devices More-than-Moore Devices Benchmarking and Assessing Emerging Devices Emerging Architectures
Wireless underlying architecture / functions 011001010… control rf wave Higher level function LNA LO ADC PA DAC Intermediate level function nanoradio filter oscillator mixer Lower level functions LO spin-torque oscillator graphene NEMS nanoresonator
Emerging Memory Devices Emerging Logic Devices More-than-Moore Devices 2011 ERD Chapter Emerging Memory Devices Emerging Logic Devices More-than-Moore Devices Benchmarking and Assessing Emerging Devices Emerging Architectures
NRI Median Switch Characteristics Benchmarking NRI Median Switch Characteristics ENERGY DELAY AREA All 3 metrics responding consistently – energy and area superiority. Little change in the energy delay product.
Emerging Memory Devices Emerging Logic Devices More-than-Moore Devices 2011 ERD Chapter Emerging Memory Devices Emerging Logic Devices More-than-Moore Devices Benchmarking and Assessing Emerging Devices Emerging Architectures
Emerging Architectures Emerging Memory Architectures in Conventional Computing Wireless Computing Application Specific Computing Multicore Computing Research Database Computing in the Cloud Evolved Architectures Exploiting Emerging Research Memory Devices Morphic Architectures Neuromorphic Architectures Cellular-automata Architectures Taxonomy of Computational Ability of Architectures
ERD – Key Messages New More-than-Moore Section added – Focused on RF devices Emerging Research Memory Devices section broadened in 2011 to include: New “Storage Class Memory” Subsection New Memory “Select Device” Subsection Transitioned STT-MRAM to PIDS & FEP Introduced new memory device category – Redox RAM Emerging Research Logic changes: Transitioned n-InGaAs & p-Ge alternate channel MOSFETs to PIDS & FEP. Synchronized more closely with the Nanoelectronics Research Initiative (NRI) Expanded technology benchmarking section Expanded Architecture Section