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Welcome to Flip Cam Academy!
A Vision of K-12 Students Today
So What Does It All Mean? So what do you think? Do you agree with this video? What does this mean for your classroom? Please share your thoughts on Edmodo. Use code fpa911 to post your response.
So What Does It All Mean? Our students are digital learners Connect with your students in ways they already love and use daily Technology shapes the way your students interact with the world It only makes sense to teach them with the tools and media they are already using
Flip Cam Basics Camera Basics Handout
Flip Cam Activity – “HOT” Take one area of your curriculum that your students currently struggle to understand Pose a “HOT” question (higher order thinking) to your students on this topic Record your question using the Flip
“HOT” Key Words Explain, Interpret, Analyze, Create, Manipulate, Solve, Compare, Evaluate, Criticize, Defend, Dispute, Judge, Justify, Recommend, Appraise, Assess, Combine, Design, Develop, Build, Compile, Compose, Construct, Formulate, Imagine, Invent, Make up, Originate, Plan, Predict, Propose, Change, Improve, Adapt Example: Make recommendations for the current coastal zoning plan in order to better protect property from hurricane damage.
Download Video Flip up USB on camera Insert camera into USB port (USB symbol should face up) Be patient, software will auto-load Select first option, view flip video After auto-loading, click on desired video Click Save Video button Click Save to computer Create new album, click OK Video is saved in My Documents – My Flip Video Library Be sure to safely remove USB storage device
Best Practices Keep it simple! Limit videos to 2-3 minutes (smaller file size) when posting to the web Give students guidelines with freedom to be creative (ex: use rubric) Give students ownership – put the camera in their hands
Podcasts/Vodcasts Podcasting in Plain English
Podcasts/Vodcasts Defined Podcast – a form of audio broadcasting using the internet. Name comes from combining the words IPod and Broadcast. Vodcast – stands for videos on demand. It is a podcast compressed in a movie format.
Creating a Podcast in Schoolwires Podcasting Basics Handout
Break Time
5 Other Ways to use a Flip Cam in the Classroom
#1 Digital Storytelling Using computer based tools to tell stories Mixture of images, text, recorded audio, video clips, and/or music Free Tools –Photostory – Still pictures –Movie Maker – Video Example
#2 Book Talks Digital Book Reviews/Trailers Encourage reluctant readers to find books to read Examples – Northwest ISDNorthwest ISD Quick plug - our MHS librarians would love to have some book talks to post to their website!
#3 Classroom Collaboration Students problem solve and video their solutions Students explain units and “teach” to class or other classes Create commercials or Public Service Announcements
#4 Day to Day Classroom Uses Illustrate Steps or Procedures Record Science Experiments Interview an “Expert” Give an assessment Create an introduction to a topic Film field trips Role Play activities Explain difficult concepts Record speeches/presentations
#5 Caught in the Act Administrators record good things going on in the classroom –Best practices, great student interaction, interesting uses of technology, etc. Share at faculty meeting, give prizes, etc. Teachers can use same activity for student successes
Movie Maker Activity Now, we are going to take your Podcast and spruce it up with Windows Movie Maker. Movie Maker Handout
Need a few more??? More Ideas And even more Ideas… Now, please go to Wallwisher and answer the prompt.Wallwisher
Special Thanks to Mr. Smith for funding the Flip Cam Tech Academy!!