Page 1 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Funding Of An Enterprise Sushil Poudel CA IPCC.


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Presentation transcript:

Page 1 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Funding Of An Enterprise Sushil Poudel CA IPCC

Page 2 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Source: Entreprenure

Page 3 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Initiation with the plan Why Plan? Execution is critical Provides clarity of purpose To avoid mistakes To counterbalance emotions

Page 4 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group My money vs Your money  Self funding savings proceeds of old business personal loans sales of personal tangibles  Funding through investors equity investors debt investors

Page 5 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Self funding and bootstrapping What is bootstrapping?  pulling oneself up with bootstrap »doing more with less  priority for use of available funds to creation of funds

Page 6 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Strategies for bootstrapping  Be frugal not cheap  Trade equity for services  Perception vs reality  Be a junkyard dog  Use others resources  Differentiate wants and needs

Page 7 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Success Through bootstrapping  Josh James's Domo raises $125 million from TPG, others “we feel there is inevitability around our business”

Page 8 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Venture Capital Definition Money provided by investors to startup with perceived long-term growth potential mostly comes from group of wealthy investors, investment banks and other financial institutions

Page 9 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Initial funding  Private investors -angles or bands of angels -rapidly growing part of private equity market -mostly equity funding, or convertible debts  Friends and family

Page 10 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Flying with angels Angel Investors Individuals who invest high risk capital( less than 50% have positive return).

Page 11 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Funding on later stage -institutional investors -traditional venture capital firms -pooled funds of LP’s -relatively few deals per year

Page 12 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Funding on growth stage -strategic or corporate venture capitalists » investment from CO’s with same core business -overseas investors

Page 13 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Crowdfunding  Enterprise addressing social issues  Effective with simple business concept

Page 14 Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Other ways of funding  Requesting a small-business grant  Negotiating an advance from a strategic partner or customer  Leveraging through credit card

Hatemalo Nepali Students Group Page 15