Partnership vision and its focus for 2014/15 23 April 2014 Alan Tomlinson Strategy and Change Salford City Council
Aims Agree what to put in a vision for the City Partnership Agree what the Group will focus on in 2014/15
Preliminary contributions - what should be the vision’s nature and purpose? Part of core business Overarching strap-line Articulated - now needs delivering Divergences and convergences Shape changes in culture Statement of intent as city leaders Deliverable and measurable progress Take risks - do things differently Make things better with less
Preliminary contributions - what should the vision focus on? What aspirations will people have? Values – equality – sustainability – cooperation Assets Wellbeing Education and training Employment Attracting business – social value Generating wealth Growth
Preliminary contributions - how should we pursue the vision? Partnership Make vision relevant to everyone Demand top level commitment Reframe thinking Hold to vision Overcome silos Leadership Use authority Take decisions and make things happen Engage and enable staff Drive changes in culture Public engagement Seek out those we hear badly Help people to improve their experiences and realise their capacities Buttress community resilience
Nature and purpose?What?How? Part of core business Overarching strap-line Articulated - now needs delivering Divergences and convergences Shape changes in culture Statement of intent as city leaders Deliverable and measurable progress Take risks - do things differently Make things better with less What aspirations will people have? Employment Wellbeing Values social value equality sustainability Cooperation Assets Education and training Attracting business Generating wealth Growth Partnership Make vision relevant to everyone Demand top level commitment Reframe thinking Hold to vision Overcome silos Leadership Use authority Take decisions and make things happen Engage and enable staff Drive changes in culture Public engagement Seek out those we hear badly Help people to improve their experiences and realise their capacities Buttress community resilience Summary of preliminary contributions
Main points from preliminary contributions
Some ideas on public service development
So, what’s it to be? Sharing views Set of post-it notes with the top five elements from the preliminary contributions written on them Blank post-it notes to add additional factors that you want included in the vision (one per post it) Order these on the board ranked from most important Elements of a vision 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th >5th Applying views All of the elements from preliminary contributions and from the discussion will be used to generate a vision for sharing with the Partnership Forum In 2014/15 the Group will focus on the top three or four elements