Welcome to Redding Middle School Home of the Knights
Introductions Administration Jim Comegys, Principal Denise Barnes, Assistant Principal Support Staff Teachers Thank You!
Agenda for Tonight: 6:30-6:50 Course Offerings and Schedule 6:50-7:00 Emotional Adjustment to Middle School 7:00-7:15 Extra Curricular Activities Supply List/Summer Reading 7:15-7:40Tours Hosted by various Staff members with light refreshments and time to chat in the Café after the tours.
Academics and Courses Sixth Grade Courses and Curriculum –All sixth graders will have the same course work in Math, Science, Social Studies and English Language Arts. Information and topics of study is on the handout you received as you came in –Students are scheduled into homerooms and sections by the computer –A variety of Related Arts Classes are also offered to 6 th Graders with ever effort for all students to have: Art, Physical Education, Health, Keyboarding, and Some type of Music (Band/Chorus/Keyboarding/General Music)
Sample Student Schedules A sample of this years sixth Grader schedule would look like this HM/AR 8:50-9:20 Accelerated Reader Period 1 9:20-10:13 Mathematics Period 2 10:14-11:07 Language Arts Period 3 11:10-11:40 Lunch Period 4 11:42-12:27 Related Arts Period 5 12:29-1:14 Related Arts Period 6 1:16-2:20 Science Period 7 2:22-3:31 Social Studies
Related Arts Schedule: Students are assigned a variety of Related Arts Courses based on student needs, availability, and desire to participate in courses such as band or chorus. –During a trimester a student would have 3 related arts scheduled, but only attend 2 per day.
For example: A-DayB-DayC-Day MondayTuesdayWednesday ArtBandAgriculture BandAgricultureArt A student might have Art, Agriculture and Band
Middle School vs. Elementary: Changes to expect: Elementary students typically have 1-3 teachers in a day. RMS students might have up to six in a day. This transition sometimes is difficult for students (and Parents) Grading changes Students work load and responsibility increases Middle school students have more freedom and opportunities for extra-curricular activities Changes in the Code of Conduct (discussed later)
Two Way Communication We have worked hard to improve two-way communication from home to school and school to home over the last few years. –Some Tools to use (one size does not fit all ) Webpage – Voice Mail 378 – 5017 or 378 – 5081 w/ directory First Name.Last appo.k12.de.us (found on website also) Agenda Book Parent Conferences Online Grade information – Launch in late September Alertnow Phone Calls
Grading and Report Cards The sixth grade report card is similar to the 5 th grade report card Grades are reported out in trimesters Report Cards come out in November, February, and are mailed home in June. Students are required to pass all four content areas for promotion to the next grade level Grades will be based 40% on Process – Practicing (homework, class work) and 60 % on Product – Demonstrating Understanding (Tests, Major Projects)
Opportunities for Academic Support and Success: Instructional Support for students that did not meet Standard on the DSTP in 5 th Grade Academic Academy – After School program designed to help students improve DSTP and Academics Many teachers come early, eat lunch and stay late to support students. Many teachers use a homework hotline, distribution list, and the webpage to inform parents about assignments
Changing Times Physical, social and emotional changes consume much energy and concentration of middle school students. This can impact: their learning their attitude their behavior
Making the Transition Classes are harder Changing classes More homework Juggling many assignments, including long-term projects Increased peer pressure and fitting in
Healthy Homework Habits Establish a study routine. Provide a quiet place to study with good lighting, a table and supplies. Be positive about homework. When your child asks for help, provide guidance not answers. Help your child determine what is hard homework and what is easy homework. Watch your child for signs of failure and frustration. Reward progress and homework.
Stay Informed Get to know your child’s teachers. Teachers, Counselors and Administrators can be reached by phone or ( Bully Hotline ( , ext. HELP). Contact guidance for resources.
Easing the Transition Be upbeat about what lies ahead. Introduce your child to our website. Offer support and recognize their fears. Hold your child accountable.
Communication is important to us! Please visit our website at
Why Do We Need You? Experts and studies show that parental involvement in a young teen’s education is one of the most important factors in raising student self-esteem and academic achievement and we agree! You are valuable, appreciated and needed.
How Can You Become Involved? Our goal is to involve all of our parents in various aspects of the school. Please consider donating a few hours of your time, talents, or school related resources to help Redding students to have a successful school year. There are numerous ways that you can help – please review our Parent Partnership Brochure
Two Critical Documents
Students will receive both, the first day or two of school, and teachers will review the expectations. Agenda Book must be with student every day, all day Remain in tact Missing agenda’s must be replaced - $10.00
DRESS CODE The school requires students to dress appropriately for school and extracurricular activities. Headwear of any type may not be worn Outerwear is not permitted while in the building. (Fleece and warm-up jackets will be permitted) Shorts and skirts are acceptable attire; however, the length must not be more than 3 inches above the knee. Shirts must have sleeves, must cover the waist, and will not be low cut or see-through. Footwear must be worn at all times. (Flip flops, sandals, and bedroom slippers are not permitted)
Both books have an “Acknowledgment” page that MUST be signed and returned to homeroom. They are located in the front of the each book.
The Code of Conduct Is used by EVERY staff member in our district. It is YOUR responsibility to know it. When is it in force?
ALL Times? On school property On the bus To, from, and at the bus stop At district events Even when behavior out of school presents ANY TYPE of threat to ANY Redding knight
Why does it exist? To establish and maintain a “good school environment”
What is our PBS Program? A program to support and reinforce positive behaviors in all school settings A tool for teachers and school personnel to support expectations in classes, halls and common areas A way to help students take responsibility for their actions and develop a sense of ownership in our school A POSITIVE way to help each student be successful
How is it used? We will be using a ticket system Students earn tickets in each classroom/school environment for different behaviors that follow the Code of the Knights Students may redeem tickets for various activities, events and items throughout the year
The Code of the Knights Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Be a Good Citizen Be There, Be Ready
Summer Reading Parents are reminded that all 5 th Grade Students will have a summer reading requirement. Students will have a must read of Maniac McGee and a choice from the list attached. Information will be sent home with your child in May Summer Reading is worth 10% of the first marking English Language Arts grade
We will conduct brief tours of the school at this time. Your tri-fold program should have a number on it. We will arrange the tours using those numbers. We will be available in the café for light snack and questions at the end of the tour or you may write on the note card any questions you have.
Thank you for joining us at Redding Middle School We look forward to a great year!