1 STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN 2004 – 2011 Winter Board Meeting Miami Beach, Florida January 30-February 1, 2004 Celebrating Our 25 th
2 Focused on Peace and the Peace Corps Community Vision A world in peace shaped by understanding and tolerance. Mission To lead the Peace Corps Community to foster peace by working together in service, education and advocacy. Celebrating Our 25 th
3 Methodology Approximately 160 interviews Visits with 24 Affiliates Staff Retreat Review by NPCA Board Executive Committee Comments by Advisory Council Members and other Leaders Celebrating Our 25 th
4 SWOT Analysis StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreats Sole national organization for RPCVs and staff Lack of membership in NPCA Milestones: NPCA’s 25 th, PC’s 50th Competition PC “brand”Identity/ Awareness Vision and Mission align with current events Weak finances Strategically placed members Unfocused; tail wags the dog Greater technology to serve members Resources stretched too thin Passion/commitmentInfrastructurePC Cooperative Agreements, partnerships Safety and security Celebrating Our 25 th
5 Action Plan: 2004 – 2011 Overall priority: Help lead PC community to foster peace through working together in service, education and advocacy through: –Identify exemplary service, education and advocacy activities, communicate about them and help replicate and scale. Celebrating Our 25 th
6 Program Goals Service:Education:Advocacy: Promote greater and more effective service to country and community. Success: Double numbers involved and enhance impact Leverage insights to enhance global understanding and tolerance. Expand network participation from 3k to 7.5k Have discernible impact on issues important to Peace Corps community. Help make changes to improve Peace Corps’ responsiveness to community issues Celebrating Our 25 th
7 Tools Required for Action Human Resources Financial Resources Systems & Technology Organizational Structure Become a best of class organization that recruits, develops and retains a dedicated, diverse and higher performing group of employees and board members, assisted by interns and volunteers. Assure that the financial resources required to successfully address priority initiatives will be available. Strengthen our database systems and infrastructure to enhance planning, management and decision making to improve program implementation and membership service. Adjust organization as needed to increase efficiencies, expand capabilities and enhance performance, e.g. through board and staff restructurings. Celebrating Our 25 th
8 A Resource for the PC Community: 2004 Phase I: A Stabilization Plan Milestones:Programs: Strengthen value proposition of NPCA Focus on core activities (global ed, advocacy) Improve public view by designing and executing communication plan Strengthen our core infrastructure systems and processes Deliver on Peace Corps Cooperative Agreement Generate $100k in net revenue Establish and fund reserve/endowment with $100k Implement new AMS with as minimal disruption possible Service—Focus on promotion of service through awards, grants Global Education—secure ongoing funding, implement plans to make “glue for network” Advocacy—sharpen focus to produce discernible effects on PC community issues Peacebuilding—deemphasize until resources available Emergency Response Network—deemphasize until resources available Microenterprise Program—spin off responsibility to the program Committee Development:Events: Design and execute fundraising plan Secure multi-year capacity building grant Develop plans for capital campaign Grow Director’s Circle membership by 10% Implement planned giving program Director’s Circle Weekend, DC—March Biennial Conference, Chicago—August 5-8 Salute to Service, DC—September 22 Budget: $1.6 million Staff: 11 FTE Membership: 12,000 Celebrating Our 25 th
9 A Resource for the PC Community: 2005 – 2008 Phase II: A Growth Plan Milestones:Programs: Continue to strengthen value proposition by enhancing and communicating benefit of membership Enhance NPCA’s identity/brand Deepen core programs Implement New Group Dues Policy Service—identify “best practice” projects, help replicate/take to scale Global Education—provide resources essential for being a “must go to resource.” Advocacy—delivering results on issues that matter to PC community Development:Events: Quiet stage of capital campaign Robust planned giving Hill strategy for major grant underway Continue growth of Director’s Circle Director’s Circle weekends—March 2005, 2006, 2007, th Anniversary Conference—Spring/Summer 2006 Regional or National Conference—Spring 2008 Salute to Service—September 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 By Budget: $3 million Staff: 15 FTE Membership: 16,000 Celebrating Our 25 th
10 A Resource for the PC Community: 2009 – 2011 Phase III—A Plan for the Future Goals:Programs: Aggressively taking advantage of 50th anniversary milestone to strengthen the NPCA value proposition Service—help identify and scale best practice programs Global Education—“go to resource” Advocacy—delivering results that matter on PC community issues Development:Events: Generate resources needed to support more robust NPCA Active and public capital campaign Extensive planned giving Director’s Circle Weekends, DC—March 2009, 2010, 2011 Regional Conference—Spring 2010 Salute To Service—September 22, 2009, 2010, th Anniversary Events beginning in 2010 By Budget: $5 million Staff: 20 FTE Membership: 21,000 Celebrating Our 25 th
11 Leverage the 50 th to engage and grow membership by: Significant, demonstrable advocacy on priority PC issues Strong links to serving volunteers and their families Active, engaged individuals and group memberships who clearly value NPCA NPCA well-positioned for next 50 years Celebrating Our 25 th
12 Following the recent Board endorsement, the next steps are: Communicate to: Members, Group Leaders, Director’s Circle, Advisory Council, etc… Implement, focusing on priorities Track and Report Quarterly Celebrating Our 25 th