6. RLC CIRCUITS CIRCUITS by Ulaby & Maharbiz
Second Order Circuits A second order circuit is characterized by a second order differential equation Resistors and two energy storage elements Determine voltage/current as a function of time Initial/final values of voltage/current, and their derivatives are needed
Initial/Final Conditions v C, i L do not change instantaneously Get derivatives dv C /dt and di L /dt from i C, v L Capacitor open, Inductor short at dc Guidelines
Example 6-2: Determine Initial/Final Conditions Circuit t = 0 ‒
Example 6-2: Initial/Final Conditions (cont.) t = 0 + Given:
Example 6-2: Initial/Final Conditions (cont.) t
Series RLC Circuit : General Solution Solution Outline Transient solution Steady State solution
Series RLC Circuit: Natural Response Find Natural Response Of RLC Circuit 0 Natural response occurs when no active sources are present, which is the case at t > 0.
Series RLC Circuit: Natural Response Find Natural Response Of RLC Circuit 0 Solution of Diff. Equation Assume: It follows that:
Solution of Diff. Equation (cont.) 0 Invoke Initial Conditions to determine A 1 and A 2
Circuit Response: Damping Conditions Damping coefficient Resonant frequency s 1 and s 2 are real s 1 = s 2 s 1 and s 2 are complex
Overdamped Response Overdamped, > 0
Underdamped Response Underdamped < 0 Damping: loss of stored energy Damped natural frequency
Critically Damped Response Critically damped = 0
Total Response of Series RLC Circuit Need to add Forced/Steady State Solution Natural solution represents transient response, decays to 0 as t . v( ) represents forced/steady state solution. Overdamped ( > 0 ) Critically Damped ( = 0 ) Underdamped ( < 0 ) Now find unknown constants from initial conditions v(0 + ) and dv/dt at t = 0 +
Example 6-7: Overdamped RLC Circuit Cont.
Example 6-7: Overdamped RLC Circuit
Example 6-8: Pulse Excitation
Example 6-9: Determine Capacitor Response Circuit t = 0 ‒ At t = 0 ‒ :
Example 6-9: Capacitor Response (cont.) t = 0 + Initial values of the capacitor voltage and its derivative will be needed to evaluate constants D 1 and D 2
Example 6-9: Capacitor Response (cont.) t > 0 This is just a series RLC circuit!
Example 6-9: Capacitor Response (cont.)
Parallel RLC Circuit Overdamped ( > 0 ) Critically Damped ( = 0 ) Underdamped ( < 0 ) Same form of diff. equation as series RLC
Oscillators If R=0 in a series or parallel RLC circuit, the circuit becomes an oscillator
General Second Order Circuits Setup differential equation Determine Natural solution Forced solution (steady state) Unknowns from initial conditions
Example 6-13: Op-Amp Circuit Substitute v out into KCL expression, rearrange for diff. equation in terms of i L
Example 6-13: Op-Amp Circuit (cont.) Cont.
Example 6-13: Op-Amp Circuit (cont.) Cont.
Example 6-13: Op-Amp Circuit (cont.)
Multisim Example of RLC Circuit
RFID Circuit
Tech Brief 12: Micromechanical Sensors and Actuators
Tech Brief 13: Touchscreens and Active Digitizers