Lords of Acid Choreography: Hey Ho Notes: Partner dance. All counts are in measures (4/4), except March which is in beats (18) 18March (18) Confident city girl stride on the beat, big, but shortened so it takes 8 counts to reach your place. First 8 counts: partner furthest from entrance enters, strides to stage front right (or left), continues striding in place as second 8 counts: other partner strides to stage front left (or right), continues striding in place for final 2 counts until: 4BREAK! Into arabic basic with hard diagonal arms and levels, high on 1 st beat, low on 3 rd, turning in place with quarter turns away from each other until on 4 th measure you are facing each other. Note: floreo on 1 st beat, but not on 3 rd. 4Measure 1: Egyptian basic in place (facing together, but cheat ¾ towards audience) Measure 2 & 3:Egyptian half-turns Measure 4: Egyptian basic in place 4counter-clockwise grapevine around each other with full turn on beats 7 & 8. Take 8 counts to make a half circle so after 16 counts you’re in your original starting position. The full turns should be more or less in place at your partner’s position & your own position, respectively. 4Measure 1: body wave towards each other (1,2), chest drop twice (3 & 4) Measure 2: body wave with quarter turn to face audience (1,2) then chest circle (3 & 4) Measure 3: (still facing audience) body wave (1,2) then chest circle (3 & 4) Measure 4: body wave with quarter turn to face eachother (1,2) then chest drop twice (3 & 4) MoveFloor Pattern
8(Grand Theme) Measures 1-3: snake-arm torso rotations facing each other as one body. Measure 4: Body wave back with split arms (x2) 4 (GMYB) Measure 1: Posture check (pelvis back, tuck, reverse body wave from waist into ¾ rib-height “good posture” position). One partner makes a half-turn before measure 2 so that both are now facing the same direction (Measure 2-4 while moving into shadow turn position) Measure 2: slow arabic basic, right arm out, left up, looking at right hand, with floreo. Measure 3: slow arabic basic, left arm out, right up, looking at left hand, with floreo. (=reverse of measure 2) Measure 4: slow arabic basic, right arm out, left up, looking at right hand, with floreo. (=measure 2) 4(tappits) (in 6/4 time) Shadow turn, no floreos 4Measures 1 & 2: Egyptian basic out of Shadow turn, back into original places (remember to cheat in orientation towards the audience)
Measure 3: (begin pivot bump pass): counts 1 & 2 drop right arm to point towards partner, counts 3 & 4 drop left arm to meet right arms. Pop wrists & pivot bump quarter turns to make complete rotation counts 5,6,7,8, winding up facing eachother on 8. 8Measures 1 & 2 pivot bump pass across stage, passing partner & maintaining eye 4 Measure 3 & 4 pivot bump pass turn: (beats 1 & 2): drop left arm to meet right, flip hands, and make pivot-bump quarter turns on beats 3- 8 to make a total of 1½ turn and so end facing partner again Measure 5 & 6: pivot bump pass across stage in opposite direction, passing partner & maintaining eye 4 Measure 7 & 8: pivot bump pass turn: (beats 1 & 2): drop left arm to meet right, flip hands & make pivot bump quarter turns on 3-8 to make a total of about. 1½ turn, ending facing ¾ towards partner & audience. 8GMYB, rising: one very protracted Delilah shimmy, begin the energy at your feet & shimmy it up through your body as the music rises (looking up through outstretched apex), letting it recede with denouement. Final measure is a break: do flat figure 8 shimmies with low wavy arms.
16(sufi turn section) first 8 measures, paddle turn around left leg with ballerina arms second 8 measures have a bump in the music, reverse direction to paddle around right leg & hip bump on the beat, sharper on every other beat, when the music is accented. Keep arms still – 1 overhead, 1 horizontal.. 8(Grand Theme) (repeat) torso rotation sequence: Measures 1-3: 3 snake-arm torso rotations facing each other Measure 4: Body wave back with split arms Measures 5-7: 3 snake-arm torso rotations facing each other Measure 8: Big hip circle with quarter rotation to end facing audience. 4(On measures 1 & 2 the person not doing the isolation is facing front, but looking straight at the person who is doing the isolation) Measure 1: Chest isolations, one person only: Left,Right,LRL, looks partner on final half beat. Measure 2: Chest isolations, other person only: Left,Right,LRL, both look audience on final half- beat Measure 3: Chest isolations, both, tightly synchronized to the beat:Up,Down.UUDD Measure 4: LR,flbr LRblfr 4(Bird) alternating basket turns, low arm-scoop arabic basic while quarter turning in place in opposite directions
8(Grand Theme) ¾ - oriented ¾ between eachother & audience, moves mirror eachother, so person on left does: Measure 1: Right arm sweep, step-ball-change Measure 2: Left arm sweep, step-ball-change Measure 3: Right arm sweep, step-ball-change Measure 4: Full turn counter-clockwise with egyptian arms (repeat) while person on right does: Measure 1: Left arm sweep, step-ball-change Measure 2: Right arm sweep, step-ball-change Measure 3: Left arm sweep, step-ball-change Measure 4: Full turn clockwisewith egyptian arms 4GMYB: do-si-do 5Tappits: secret handshake 6(Bird) alternating basket turns, low arm-scoop arabic basic while quarter turning in place in opposite directions 4Sufi: turns to back of stage
8March: 4Tappits: cool drum solo 8(Grand theme): (As before but now oriented to audience, now in unison, not mirrored): Both do: Measure 1: Right arm sweep, step-ball-change Measure 2: Left arm sweep, step-ball-change Measure 3: Right arm sweep, step-ball-change Measure 4: Full turn counter-clockwise with egyptian arms (repeat) 4Sufi: turkish shimmy in place with quarter turns, away from eachother 8Grand theme(4): grapevine 4 measures, arabic basic pass 4 measures Finale: body wave with shimmy, beginning at waist, extending through chest, then moving down through body to ground into the floor, follow the motion with your eyes, then pop your head up (in surprise) when the music ends.