Nayarit Standing Figure By: Your name
ORNAMENTATION, ORNAMENTAL: Add information from web site. CARICATURE: Add information from web site. EXAGGERATED: Add information from web site. CERAMIC: Add information from web site. COMMEMORATION, COMMEMORATIVE: Add information from web site. PIGMENT: Add information from web site.
Pottery made by a primitive culture or pottery created by a modern culture and made to look primitive by firing it in a primitive kiln or by replicating a primitive style. Varies by location Has a more “personal” tone because most were made by hand Has a special meaning to it A certain person, place or thing Drawings or symbols carved or painted onto it. Pit Fired Pottery
List four or more paraphrased bullet statements.
Make comparative statements.
List two or more paraphrased bullet statements.
Read the information provided in the web site and list in your own words what makes this piece of art unique to the culture it came from. Add pictures to help tell your story.
Read the information provided in the web site and tell the story of the work in your own words. Add pictures to help tell your story.
Find the theme that fits your piece on the student handout.
Colors: Describe the colors found in your pottery? Shapes/Forms: Describe the shape/form of your pottery and any decoration found in your work. Lines: Describe what types of lines I see in my pottery? Textures: Describe what types of texture do I see?
How the art elements of line, shape, colors, textures, and space are organized in an art work. Describe how you used variety (change in one of the elements listed above) in your pottery: Describe how you used harmony (repeats in one of the elements listed above) in your pottery: Describe how you used emphasis (something that sticks out as being more important) in your pottery: Describe how you used balance (distribution of visual weight) in your pottery: Describe how you used proportion (size relationships) in your pottery. Are the parts proportional to one another? Describe how you used movement or rhythm (leading the viewer’s eye from one part to another or repetition with changes made) in your pottery: Describe how you used pattern (repetition of a shape, texture, or lines)in your pottery:
Describe the build techniques and the process used in creating your pottery: List five to eight steps. Add pictures to help tell your story.