MOOCS: MOOCS: IS THERE AN APP FOR THAT? Patty Machun, Catherine Trau, Nadia Zaid For Dr. Minjuan Wang & Jason Ng Expanding Mobilegogy Through An Analysis Of MOOCs & iTunes University
MOOCS: Is there an app for that? San Diego State University Masters in Educational Technology Etisalat BT Innovation Center’s (EBTIC) iCampus initiative Expanding Mobilegogy Through An Analysis Of MOOCs & iTunes University
MOOCS: Is there an app for that? Evaluates instructional design elements for mobile learning (mLearning) iTunes University (iTU) Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Expanding Mobilegogy Through An Analysis Of MOOCs & iTunes University
Background: LTCS+D Location, Technology, Culture, and Satisfaction (LTCS)
Overview of Platforms
Course Findings: LTCSD
Finding suggests that electronic texts can enhance online courses
Platform Findings: LTCSD
Platform Findings :
So…Is there an app for that? Can apps make a difference?
So…Is there an app for that?
Mobilegogy Guides the designer to successfully tailor eLearning to the mobile realm. Inspires the designer to utilize mobile technology to take leaning out into the world.
Questions & Answers
Patty Machun, Catherine Trau, Nadia Zaid For Dr. Minjuan Wang & Jason Ng Thank You!