Installing GLIDER Using Instructions on GLIDER web page install GLIDER and create a short cut on your desk top Go here : C:\Documents and Settings\sundar\Desktop\GLIDER- 3.0\GliderWin32_v3.0b and create a subdirectory called data Download MODIS Level 1 data files under data directory
Importing File in GLIDER Under Default Project > Right Click > Import > file System > Browse and select the HDF file that you placed in the GLIDER data directory. Note that when selecting the file you must make sure that the check box is marked
Import Once you’ve imported the MODIS level 1B file you should see the file in your Default Project. Right click on the hdf file and select Covert to gld file. You get a window that says operation in progress. This takes a few seconds/minutes depending upon your computer. Once this is complete you should see the.gld file right below the hdf file in the Default Project in the main GLIDER window. You are now ready to explore GLIDER functionalities
Display Image Right Click on the gld file and select open image view. You should now see your image Click on Display > Channel Editor and you should see this
RGB Display You can now pick any combination for RGB and display image in color composites Try Red : 0.645um, Mark Equalize, Green : um Equalize, Blue : um, mark Equalize and Flip Equalize is a image enhancement technique called histogram equalization and flip inverts the infrared channel to make clouds look brighter than the surface. See next page for what your enhanced RGB image should look like
2D scatter plot Try Tools > Image Analysis > 2D scatter plot > Region of interest and select a small box over the smoke plume in yellow You should see scatter plot in Gray scale for the 3 different band combinations. 2D scatter plots allows one to examine the spectral response of the various classes.
Spectral Profiles Try Tools > Image Analysis> Profile > Spectral You can examine the spectral features in reflectance or temperature scale for any point that you pick. Pick a point on the smoke aerosol plume.
Other features While this exercise has focused mainly on Image Display GLIDER has many other features. Click on Window > Earth View and you should be able to look at the RGB image in Google Earth type format with several layers See next page for the image
Earth View Display
Other GLIDER features GLIDER is a comprehensive tool for image analysis, classification and data mining. Explore the various aspects of GLIDER More importantly, it’s free!
Volcanic Ash R:0.645 um, G : 0.858um, B : um (All channels equalized)
Volcanic Ash R:0.645 um, G : 0.858um, B : um (All channels equalized, B channel also flipped)