Relay For Life Team Meeting April 5, 2011 HHS 1301, 7:30pm
1.5 Weeks till RELAY Are you ready!?
Game Time!!
Progress as of Today 219 Teams $130, 2,449 participants 11 days left until Relay To meet our goal of $200,000, we need to raise approx. $6, each day
Mission Moment What Can $5 Do? dYspAxQA
Need more motivation? Top Fundraising team will receive $130 gift card to Blue Nile (can cater your campsite or have a team dinner!) Top Greek Teams will receive 42” Flat Screen Plasma TV Top Fundraising individual will receive (TBD)
Get your calendar out! ONE MEETING LEFT!!!!!! Tuesday, April 12 th 7:30pm ISAT 159 RELAY is April 16 th 7pm to 7am on Hillside Field! Registration/Set up begins at 4pm
Last Bank Day Turn in all of your money from individual and team offline fundraising! Thurs, April 7 th, 2-5pm in Showker 243
Volunteers!? We have LOTS of jobs for the day of Relay (and before) such as: Directing survivors from parking lot to banquet Setting up lumie bags Decorating Banner Making/Hanging Sorting T-shirts Folding Programs Use of trucks Volunteer hours can be given
Adopt a Survivor We want to have a basket for each of the survivors who attend the banquet They do not have to be elaborate…sign up your team to make 1 or more baskets for survivors!! We have only had 2 groups volunteer
Some things to start thinking about… Grilling Regulations: No open flame or charcoal grill (use propane grill) Tents Regulations: bring your own (pop up only), you may rent through UREC (supplies limited)
Campsites Let us know if you want to be next to a specific team (if you have TEAM 1, TEAM 2 etc. you will be kept together) Spots will be assigned based on fundraising per capita and other challenges/participation Greek Teams will be kept together NO ALCOHOL NO SMOKING (We are supporting the American Cancer Society ;-) )
What to bring to Relay: Tent Sleeping Bags/Blankets Flashlights Decorations for your campsite (CAMO!) Sunscreen Bug Spray Lawn Chairs Umbrellas/ponchos Coolers (NO ALCOHOL) Extra clothing (including gloves, socks and shoes- your feet will get cold in flip flops) Snacks and drinks (we will also have concessions and JAVA CITY!!!) Donations Cash for onsite fundraisers/challenges Camera Lighters (for lumie ceremony) Tissues LOTS OF ENERGY TO FIGHT BACK ALL NIGHT…Cancer doesn’t sleep so neither do we!
Start Getting Excited (Some things we have planned): Wing Eating Challenge Miss Relay Exit 347 B Flat Project Tug of War DJ and Dancing Lumie Ceremony Pie eating contest ROTC Boot Camp Challenge Group fitness classes 24/7 Coffee Available A Cappella Groups and Bands MUCH MORE!
Fundraisers & Announcements Any team fundraisers coming up? Let us advertise for you! Start thinking about on-site fundraising! Don’t forget to check under “Fundraising Around Campus” for the latest announcements!
Top Three Individuals 1.Nicholaus DeMaggio- $3,052 2.Brenna Hovey- $3,000 3.Chris Stern- $2,735
Top Three Teams 1.G.I. Dukes (Exec): $15, Alpha Tau Omega: $12, Delta Delta Delta: $5, Keep up the great work!
Questions? Contact your chairs at In general, office hours are by appointment (where and when convenient for you!) Fundraise today at
Next Meeting Tuesday, April 12 th 7:30pm ISAT 159