Motivation Theory Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar AYAN
Motivation Definition: Definition: –1) Internal drive to satisfy an unsatisfied need –2) Stimulus of behavior
Motivation Theories Content Theories: focus on the internal needs and desires that initiate, sustain and eventually terminate behavior. Content Theories: focus on the internal needs and desires that initiate, sustain and eventually terminate behavior. – WHAT motivates someone Process Theories: seek to explain HOW behavior is initiated, sustained and terminated Process Theories: seek to explain HOW behavior is initiated, sustained and terminated
Content Theories Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need Alderfer’s ERG Theory Alderfer’s ERG Theory Herzberg’s 2-Factor Theory Herzberg’s 2-Factor Theory McClelland’s Learned Needs Theory McClelland’s Learned Needs Theory
Definitions Frustration: occurs when needs can not be met Frustration: occurs when needs can not be met Satisfaction: occurs when needs are met Satisfaction: occurs when needs are met Despair: occurs when there is frustration without hope Despair: occurs when there is frustration without hope
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Stresses two fundamental premises: Stresses two fundamental premises: –Human beings are wanting creatures whose needs depend on what they already have. (You need what you DON’T already have) –Peoples’ needs are arranged in a hierarchy
Maslow 5 th level: Self realization and fulfillment 5 th level: Self realization and fulfillment 4 th level: Esteem and Status 4 th level: Esteem and Status 3 rd level: Affection and social activity 3 rd level: Affection and social activity 2 nd level: Safety and security 2 nd level: Safety and security 1 st level: Basic physiological needs 1 st level: Basic physiological needs
Alderfer’s ERG Theory Only 3 levels to the hierarchy: Only 3 levels to the hierarchy: 1. Existence needs: material and physical needs 2. Relatedness needs: all needs that involve other people 3. Growth needs: all needs involving creative efforts and/or productive contributions
Herzberg’s 2-Factor Theory Starts with the questions of what satisfies and dissatisfies people about their work Starts with the questions of what satisfies and dissatisfies people about their work Assumes the answers to those questions are key to understanding motivation Assumes the answers to those questions are key to understanding motivation Job Satisfaction consists of two separate and independent dimensions: Job Satisfaction consists of two separate and independent dimensions: –Satisfiers or motivators –Dissatisfiers or maintenance factors
Dissatisfiers/Maintenance Factors Presence is not motivational. Absences causes dissatisfaction Presence is not motivational. Absences causes dissatisfaction –Policies –Salary –Interpersonal relationships –Job security –Work conditions –Status –Technical supervision –Personal life
Satisfiers/Motivators Not unhappy if they are absent; willing to work to get them Not unhappy if they are absent; willing to work to get them –Achievement –Recognition –Advancement –The work itself –Possibility of growth –Responsibility
McClelland’s Learned Needs Theory People learn their needs through life experience People learn their needs through life experience 3 sets of needs: 3 sets of needs: –Need for Achievement: need to excel –Need for Power: need to control or influence others –Need for Affiliation: need to associate with others. Form interpersonal relationships
Process Theories Focus on how individuals’ expectations and preferences for outcomes associated with their performance actually influence performance. Focus on how individuals’ expectations and preferences for outcomes associated with their performance actually influence performance.
Vroom’s Expectancy Theory Vroom theorized that people are not only driven by their needs, but they make choices about what they will and will not do to fulfill their needs based on 3 conditions: Vroom theorized that people are not only driven by their needs, but they make choices about what they will and will not do to fulfill their needs based on 3 conditions:
Vroom’s Conditions Person must believe that effort to perform at a particular level will make the desired performance or behavior more likely Person must believe that effort to perform at a particular level will make the desired performance or behavior more likely Desired performance or behavior must lead to some concrete outcome or reward Desired performance or behavior must lead to some concrete outcome or reward Person must value the outcome Person must value the outcome