NEW THIS YEAR Library transformed into a comforting, welcoming place Book shelves moved and collection re-organized Library office reorganized Teacher tubs relocated and shelved by lexile level iPad Cart purchased and circulated through library Camera (digital/flip) inventoried, bar coded and circulated through the library TEACHING & INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT library orientation all students all language arts classes bi-weekly checkout LFPL shared resources with students A book is checked out every 8.44 minutes websites shared school wide subscription to CultureGrams collaboration KYVL Image by Scott Maxwell
LIBRARY COLLECTION Library Media Services weeded the collection week of May 5, 2014: o Data on this page represents the current collection o 3,293 total books were removed 814 Fiction 899 Paperback 156 Biography 1,424 Non-Fiction o Average age of entire collection is 1999 Biography 2000 Easy 1994 Fiction (General Works) (Philosophy) (Religion) (Social Sciences) (Language) (Pure Sciences) (Applied Science/Technology) (Arts/Leisure) (Literature) (History/Geography) 2000
5 new magazine titles added for iPads w/cart purchased for teacher checkout 219 books added to collection All Language Arts classes on 2 week rotation for book checkout Attended Young Adult Literature seminar in fall Awarded $5,000 Laura Bush Foundation grant to purchase Library books Bluford Series books moved into baskets on top of fiction shelves (easier for students to find) Graphic Novels relocated to separate section Labeled all Fiction/Biography/Easy/Paperback racks Labeled series books in order Middle School PLC (shared resources with faculty) Monthly display table showcasing books Moved Graphic Novels to separate area (no longer shelved in 700’s) “Wish list” generated for new book purchases (input from students/teachers) LIBRARY COLLECTION CONTINUED
LIBRARY CIRCULATION What do these mean? Number of Online Library Catalog searches during the past 2 years. Number of Library books checked out during the past 2 years.
LIBRARY AND READING PROMOTION 3 Book fairs during the school year Applied for: Dollar General Youth Literacy Grant Laura Bush Foundation Grant Lois Lenski Covey Foundation Grant Snapdragon Collaborated with Jen Wade for summer reading project KET information shared with teachers (monthly) Michael Ward (LFPL) presented resources and distributed LFPL Library cards Susan Martinez (LFPL Iroquois branch) shared summer reading information with all OAS students Library orientation for all students Library utilized for various programs during year Monthly display of books for students Needs Assessment completed by faculty/students READ posters of faculty displayed school wide Sync (YA free audio books) promoted school wide Websites across curriculum shared with teachers
LOOKING AHEAD TO *NEW* TO DO: Select and purchase new books with LBF Grant Host a teacher orientation to the Library’s resources Convert Fiction books to Café Model Promote non-fiction books through student book trailers Reorganize equipment inventory in Library World Reorganize/label cabinets in Library office Explore ways to use e-readers within the school Collaborate with classroom/resource teachers