Lou MacNarin School PSSC Meeting March 2015
Welcome New and returning members Selection of Officers School Data School Improvement Data Tell Them From Me Friendship Fair If It Hurts Data Majesta Trees of Knowledge Math Competition Principals Report Mental Health Conference New Business Next Meeting
Progress Monitoring Reading – Running Records, Aimsweb Mathematics – Math screeners Math fluency books Writing – Report Card Criteria We do not currently have a consistent tool to measure growth. Teachers collecting writing samples for each reporting period – red, yellow and green In the spring we will look at our artifacts – determine where we should be by the end of grade 5 and backward chain to determine rubric criteria.
Literacy Gradefall winter K (LNF) Total
Math Gradefall winter K
ClassDid Not WriteExemptBAAAASA Number of Students 2A B C School District Province
Tell Them From Me
Principals Report Pink Shirt Day – Student leaders made announcements on the PA system about the pink shirt day. We had each child create a pink postcard to place on a giant pink t-shirt that we hung in the foyer. Our Friendship Fair before the break was a fun morning of different activities that our students engaged in to support bucket filling behavior. The If It Hurts Committee worked to plan the event – creating a friendship banner, friendship bracelets, Friendship ribbons, dancing and activities in the gym, and a Poetry station. Welcome to Kindergarten Event was held this week. We had a great turnout and our newest community members engaged with their parents in a lot of fun activities that will help to prepare them for school in September. Math Competition- We have a number of events coming up to celebrate mathematics. We have a district competition on March 28 th. Our school will have an in house competition to choose our students who will get to participate in the district competition. In April we will be engaged in a national math competition and we will be having an open house for parents to come and visit math classes.
Majesta Tree’s of Knowledge Updates from June
If It Hurts Data 38 reports on White Slips New Problem Solving Club started – Coding, Chess and collaboration
School Review Forums Dates External Team Will be here May 5, 6, 7. Invitations – forum questions Internal Team – Core Leadership will be working through data collected from the teachers to determine how we feel we rank on the indicators. Updates at the next meeting.
Mental Health Conference Your Wellness Forum in the Southeast The Southeast Regional Wellness Forum is taking place on March 14 th from 8:30 am to 3pm at the Shediac Multipurpose Centre. There will be presentations on New Brunswick’s Wellness Strategy, the Wellness Movement, Your Community at Glance and local success stories. Also, there will be group discussions divided by sub- regions that will help us identify community assets and how to use them moving forward as individual communities and as a collective in the Southeast. We would like to have the input of citizens and people who play a role in wellness related fields such as health, education, seniors groups, youth groups, social support networks, culture, First nations, physical activity, healthy eating, workplace wellness, physical and mental disability groups to name a few, present so that we may take everyone’s perspective into account as we determine priorities for the region and develop a strong and dynamic wellness network. There are a multitude of people and organizations doing great work in the region. The Wellness Forum is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the great work that is being done and integrate your assets, visions and strategies into a regional plan that will help us create a healthy New Brunswick, where together, we can work, play and live in a culture of wellness. There is no registration fee and lunch and snacks will be served during the health breaks and a simultaneous translation service will be available.
New Business?
Next Meeting? April 9 th at 6:30 in the Breakfast Club.
Thank you for coming.