American Political Culture Where does it come from?
What is Political Culture? Widely shared beliefs, values, and norms that define the relationship between citizens and government, and citizens to one another. Consensual v. Conflictual Political Culture –Consensual: agreement on the widely shared beliefs, values, and norms (ex: U.S.A.?) Republicans v. Democrats? –Conflictual: no agreement (ex: Revolutionary France, 19th century Europe, modern Afghanistan) Examples in other nations: –Britain: Monarchy –Iran: Religion
Roots of American Political Culture Part I: The Liberal Tradition Classical liberalism –Do not confuse it with modern liberalism of today –Product of Enlightenment ideas that challenged feudalism Dignity of individual and rationality of the individual Challenge to government’s authority (absolutism) Challenge to existing social structure (aristocracy and patronage)
Classical Liberalism Key players in classical liberalism –John Locke and Thomas Hobbes: natural rights and consent of governed –Jean-Jacques Rousseau: “Man is born free but everywhere in chains” State must gain legitimacy through promoting the “general will” (not individual will) –Adam Smith - free markets (as opposed to mercantilism and state control)
Roots of American Political Culture: the American Landscape Europe does not embrace liberal tradition - why America? –LAND Property = power in Old World Europe Promotes sense of equality –Hard to create rigid social structure with aristocracy –Hartz: “No feudalism = no socialism” –SIZE Impossible for one dominant institution to take root (tough to assert authority) –Effect: Local control »Empowers individuals to control their own lives (democracy)
The American Landscape (cont.) Europe does not embrace liberal tradition - why America? –DIVERSITY No one religion (again - no institution) Resistance to authority TOLERANCE –Can a free government function without it? Numerous factions = more widespread participation
Roots of American Political Culture: “Manners” of American People What does Alexis de Tocqueville (Democracy in America) observe about Americans and their behavior? 1.Abundant & fertile land 2.Countless opportunities for people to acquire land & make a living 3.Lack of feudal aristocracy that blocked others ambitions (no landed nobility) 4.An independent spirit encouraged by frontier living
Liberty Definition: –Positive liberty: enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges –Negative liberty: freedom from arbitrary or despotic control Roots: –Classical liberalism Limit the power of authority to allow individual to flourish – Slavery White opportunity is built on backs of black exploitation “Sensitivity” to tyranny –American Revolution
Equality “All men are created equal” –Meaning? –Equality before the LAW law applies equally to all people – no favoritism / patronage –Political equality: The idea that every individual has a right to equal protection under the law & equal voting power (always a goal, not always a reality) –Economic equality: Equality of opportunity - “meritocracy” v. aristocracy Especially with regard to improving our economic status. Social background should not limit your ability to achieve –American Dream – myth or reality?
Individualism Meaning: –The individual's rights are valued above those of the state (government) –Individual initiative and responsibility are strongly encouraged. Roots: –“Frontier Thesis” – Frederick Jackson Turner History of America = History of Western settlement –Horatio Alger stories – “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” Myth of rags to riches
Democracy What do we mean by democracy? –Popular sovereignty? Ultimate faith in the people? –Majority rule However, throughout history you have seen conflict between “people” and the “elite” –Ex: Constitutional Convention - Charles Beard’s interpretation –Political tolerance: We accept laws even if passed by a political party we did not agree with –“Revolution of 1800” –Allegiance to the rule of law deference to independent judiciary Roots –Liberal political thought Individuals capable of governing themselves (rational beings)
Civic Responsibility / Community What does civic responsibility mean? –What obligation do you have to your neighbor? –Responsibilities of a citizen? Voting? Community service? Military service? Jury duty? Paying taxes? Roots: –Classical Republicanism: a free government requires a virtuous citizenry that is participatory People as the safeguard against tyranny –Madison – Federalist No. 10 People cannot always be the safeguard – people are often the source of tyranny Advocating on behalf of your self-interest is safest guard against tyranny (multiplicity of factions) –What does Tocqueville see in Jacksonian America?
Other Values? Capitalism? Patriotism? Religion? Tolerance and diversity? American exceptionalism? –Is America the greatest country in the world?Is America the greatest country in the world?