April 16, 2013 Active Minds Changing Lives1
April 16, 2013 Active Minds Changing Lives2 Decision Packages Energy Engineering Conversion from Engineering Technology Science and Math K-12 Education Computer Science Internal Reallocation Growing enrollments in STEM fields Cloud Computing Plus
Active Minds Changing Lives3 Since 2003, there has been a 49% increase in interest in high demand majors. April 16, 2013
Active Minds Changing Lives4 Accounting Decision Sciences Special Education Communication Sciences & Disorders Physical Education, Health & Recreation Psychology Environmental Sciences Environmental Studies Biology Chemistry Computer Science Engineering Technology Geology Mathematics Physics and Astronomy Science Education April 16, 2013
Active Minds Changing Lives5 April 16, 2013
Active Minds Changing Lives6 Since 2005, there has been a 33% increase in degrees awarded in high demand fields. April 16, 2013
Active Minds Changing Lives7 April 16, 2013
Active Minds Changing Lives8 *Estimated: winter and spring degrees count both awarded and pending. April 16, 2013
Active Minds Changing Lives9 *Includes Anatomy and Physiology April 16, TT 3 TA Waivers 2 TT 2.5 NTT.5 Tech Support 2 TA Waivers 2 TT1 TT
Active Minds Changing Lives10 Thousands April 16, 2013
Active Minds Changing Lives11 April 16, FTE Faculty Lines beginning FY 2015 Start-up and Travel Matching from Division to support above: Start-up Teaching Assistants NTT Faculty
Plus Added Benefits Active Minds Changing Lives12 April 16, 2013
Active Minds Changing Lives13 Microsoft Office 365 “Plan E3” for faculty and staff (4.50 per month per ~2,500 faculty/staff = $135,000) Hosted (Exchange) with: 25 GB of storage per user 25 times more! Web conferencing High Definition video Screen sharing Instant messaging SharePoint collaboration Intranet team workspaces with customizable security settings Portfolio production Individual websites 24/7 phone support directly from Microsoft April 16, 2013
Active Minds Changing Lives % uptime guarantee Subscription to Office 2013 (online and desktop) Up to 5 PCs/Macs per user Includes home business and personal use rights archiving: unlimited storage SkyDrive Pro with 7GB: ‘Dropbox’ style storage & file sync eDiscovery tools: supports public records requests and legal holds Hosted voic notification in inbox with voice recording voice to text translation in April 16, 2013
Active Minds Changing Lives15 April 16, 2013
Active Minds Changing Lives16 April 16, 2013
Active Minds Changing Lives17 Total Allocation CST Received % CST Received 5-Yr Growth in Enrolled UG First Majors $136,700$53,52039% 5-Yr Growth in GUR SCH$137,100$71,48052% NTT Bottleneck$323,800$217,80067% Total$597,600$342,80057% April 16, 2013
Active Minds Changing Lives18 April 16, 2013
Active Minds Changing Lives19 April 16, 2013
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