Preserving our environment Fostering collaboration among our communities
Historical Perspective: Protected and Productive Watershed
Geographic Perspective State/county definition of Herring Bay watershed For now, AHB is focusing on areas that flow directly into Herring Bay
Management Focus: Preservation and Protection Flagged for preservation in county’s GDP (in red) One of two EPA “no discharge” areas in MD
Large portions of this watershed are designated as Greenway/FIDS and RCA Areas designated as potential habitat for forest interior dwelling species (in green) Critical Area classified as “resource conservation area” (in red)
Formed in 2005 by a group of friends and neighbors Now approximately ~50 people Guiding Principles: –Those of us who enjoy the beauty of Herring Bay have a responsibility to protect it –Social cohesion within our communities is integral to efforts to protect it –Membership is based on willingness to devote time and talents to preserving the environmental health of Herring Bay
What we working to protect Natural beaches designated as breeding habitat Creeks and wetlands that support fish, wildlife, SAV, amphibians
What we are working to protect: sensitive lands and habitats Steep slopes in Herring Bay watershed (in brown) Ponds and vernal pools
The major challenge for Herring Bay: development pressure from marinas
What the Advocates for Herring Bay Are Doing: Monitoring water quality to identify pollution sources Testing beaches and creeks –Bacteria –Nitrogen (starting in ‘09) –Water Clarity –Rainfall (CoCoRaHAS) Example: Very high bacteria levels in creeks with marinas
Eco-tracking: Identifying habitats we need to protect FrogWatch USA Christmas Bird Count SAV Macroinvertebrates (spring 09) Horseshoe crabs (summer 09)
Working with our neighbors to protect our shared habitats and history Fair Haven oral history project Community cleanups Phragmites eradication and restoration Rain barrel initiative (spring ’09)
Advocating Policies to protect Herring Bay Worked with AA County to reduce impacts of dredge site in RCA/Critical Area Opposed remapping of 50 acres to IDA (ultimately granted to marina owner by legislative fiat) Proposed stronger covenants on pristine shoreline and forests being sold by the Nature Conservancy Comment on Critical Area regulations and other issues
What we can offer Watershed Stewards: People who will work to protect and restore Herring Bay Contact us at or google “Advocates for Herring Bay”