Will the Bills win the Super Bowl?Will the Bills win the Super Bowl? y.com/wp- content/uploads/2010/01/ norwood-kick.jpg
It is impossible for humans to grow wings and fly. There is a 0% chance for this to happen because you won’t wake up one day and have wings. This makes flying impossible. content/uploads/2010/08/HumanWithWings.jpg
It is very unlikely that the Bills will win a Super Bowl next season. The chances of the Bills winning this award is 1/32, which is defiantly under 25%. The Buffalo Bills have a very unlikely chance of winning the Super Bowl this season.
Even though it is possible for it to snow in Florida, it is quite unlikely. This percent is clearly between 25% and 50%, causing this to be unlikely. Snowing in Florida is obviously unlikely to happen. florida.jpg
If Mr. Frommann were to roll a six sided die it is equally likely for him to roll a even as an odd. Each would have 3/6 of a chance which is equal to half. It’s equally likely for Mr. Fromman to roll a even number as an odd one jpg
It is likely that we will have homework in four out of our six main classes. The percentage of four out of six is 66.66%. Making it likely that we will have homework in 4 of our main 6 classes. lesson3-7-homework-p298q8a-page3.jpg
It is very likely that we will have a school day tomorrow. It is not certain because we live in buffalo and there are many snow days. There is only a five percent chance of snow tomorrow. That means there is a 95% chance that we won’t have a snow day html
It is certain that if you flip a coin it will either land on heads or tails. It can’t land on anything else because those are the only choices for it to land on. There is a 100% chance of either landing on heads or tails. ellogg.edu/mckay g/buad112/web/pr es/coin%20flip.jp g