Учитель английского языка МОУ «Лицей №230» г. Заречного Презентация к уроку по теме «Газеты в Великобритании» с использованием технологии критического мышления по УМК «ENGLISH 9» автор В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа и др. Выполнила: Учитель английского языка МОУ «Лицей №230» г. Заречного Пензенской области Л.А. Миряева
News+paper= a newspaper influence- влиять influential - News+paper= a newspaper influence- влиять influential -? Daily- ежедневный a daily newspaper= a daily -? Weekly -? A weekly newspaper= a weekly -? A detail- деталь detailed -?
The UK newspapers
I KNOW There are 10 daily national newspapers There are 9 Sunday national newspapers About 35-40 million people read newspapers every day
I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW What are the most popular newspapers in the UK? What information do they contain? Are there newspapers and magazines for children?
Read the text to page 75-76 and mark the information: v- I know + New information - think differently ? Don’t understand
Russian variant English variant Широкоформатные газеты с серьезным содержанием Популярные газеты, размером меньше Бесплатные листовки рекламного характера Приложения Обслуживать к-л; быть предназначенными для к-л Статьи, очерки Репортажи, написанные живым языком Репортажи, в которых нет места выдумкам Газетные заголовки Содержание (статьи) Освещение (событий) Знаменитости
“No nonsense” reporting Russian variant English variant Широкоформатные газеты с серьезным содержанием Broadsheets Популярные газеты, размером меньше Tabloids Бесплатные листовки рекламного характера “Free sheets” Приложения Supplements Обслуживать к-л; быть предназначенными для к-л To cater for Статьи, очерки Features Репортажи, написанные живым языком Lively reports Репортажи, в которых нет места выдумкам “No nonsense” reporting Газетные заголовки Headlines Содержание (статьи) Content Освещение (событий) Coverage Знаменитости Celebrities
True/False In the UK there are daily and weekly national papers True/False In the UK there are daily and weekly national papers. The UK newspapers are divided into quality newspapers and popular newspapers. Quality papers cater for readers who want detailed information at home and overseas. Broadsheets contain sports sections, financial reports, book reviews Tabloids offer reports on serious information Tabloids are also known for their large headlines and simple style. The oldest paper is The Times. It is famous for the latest scandals about celebrities. The Guardian is famous for its lively reports. The most popular tabloids are The Sun, The Daily Mirror All daily newspapers come with colourful supplements. There are no local or regional papers in the UK
The relative clause The main clause which/that/who
Complete the sentences: Tabloids are for those readers… Broadsheets are the serious newspapers… Dailies are the papers… Sunday papers are popular with those… Regional papers contain information… Local papers cater for people…
I HAVE KNOWN The most famous papers: The Times, The Guardian, The Sun, The Daily Mirror The information they contain depends on the type of the paper There are quality (broadsheets) papers and popular (tabloids) papers Broadsheets are serious newspapers and contain information on a wide range of home and overseas news Popular newspapers are smaller in size and reports the latest scandals about celebrities with colourful photos The quality papers are The Times, The Guardian The tabloids areThe Sun, The Daily Mirror As well as the national press there are many regional and local newspapers Local papers are not divided into popular and quality papers. They contain information about the life of the town or region, advertisements, details of local theatres and cinema performances
What are the most popular newspapers and magazines for young people in the UK? A.B. ex.1,p.54
Newspapers serious, popular cater for, offer, specialize different kinds of reports interesting