The Great Wall of China Vocabulary
Craftsman Definition: Skilled workers Examples: Carpenter, stonemason, plumbers, carvers, weavers Sentence: The craftsman had undergone four years of training before getting his job.
Craftsmen http://
Domain Definition: Area ruled by a government Synonyms: Land, Realm, Nation Sentence: The domain of the United States is the 48 mainland states plus Hawaii and Alaska.
Domain of the United States
Durable Definition: Sturdy and long lasting Synonyms: Enduring, strong, tough Antonyms: Fragile, weak, breakable Examples: Cement walkway, steel ship Non-examples: Balloon, paper cup
Durable? Glass Vase…
Durable? Metal Statue…
Dynasty Definition: Line of rulers from one family Examples: Moctezuma I, II, and III Sentence: The Ming dynasty ruled China for generations.
Excluding Definition: Keeping someone or something out Synonyms: Block, reject Antonyms: Include, welcome Sentence: The Great Wall of China was built for the purpose of excluding invaders.
Excluding can hurt…
Excluding can help…
Extravagance Definition: Wasteful spending Synonym: Luxury Examples: Fancy foods, silk clothes, jewels, mansions Sentence: The rulers of China lived in extravagance while the people were often starving.
Laborers Definition: Workers Examples: Diggers, carriers, farm workers Sentence: The laborers were forced to work without a break.
Massive Definition: Large and solid Synonyms: Huge, gigantic, colossal, enormous Sentence: The massive blocks used to build the pyramid took hundreds of men to move.
Nomadic Definition: Moving from place to place Sentence: The Inupiat were traditionally a nomadic people, moving seasonally to where the food sources were.
Nomadic Summer Winter
Steppe Definition: Vast, dry, grassy plain Sentence: They hunted buffalo on the grassy steppes of China.
Terrain Definition: Features of land Examples: Marshes, mountains, hills, meadows, flatlands Sentence: The mountainous terrain made it hard to farm in the area.