various theories about motivation the main reason for good or bad performance important to produce programs designed to reward all employees the aim of motivating employees to encourage them to achieve the aims of the company by themselves the proposal for the company to develop a program of incentives for all employees
My supervisor must: be able to organize my work well be ready to help be assertive be honest know how to motivate
precise work instructions and descriptions of jobs transparent organizational structure leadership style material incentives (financial reward) non-material incentives (non-financial awards)
system of premiums / incentives internal training meeting staff opportunity for promotion company philosophy
Maslow`s hierarchical theory of motivation McClelland theory Friedman - Havinghurst theory
belongs to a group called “content theory” describes a hierarchy of needs
McClelland theory three needs: need for achievement need for belonging need for power Friedman- Havinghurst theory five job functions: earnings way of spending time identification and status dealing with other people source of meaningful life experiences
involve all team members to work record individual contributions provide opportunity to all say “thank you “ assign responsibility never talk about others say clearly what you expect