Visual Analytics Detect the Expected Discover the Unexpected A Tutorial for Middle School and High School Teachers Module 4- Department of Homeland Security (DHS): Why and How They Use Visualizations 1
Tutorial Outline Introduction Module 1What is Visual Analytics? Module 2Proper Visualization Construction and Use Module 3Misinformation and Lying with Graphics Module 4 Department of Homeland Security (DHS):Why and How They Use Visualizations Module 5Understandable Applications Module 6Exercises and Resources for the Classroom Conclusion 2
Module 4 –DHS: Why and How They Use Visualizations Dept of Homeland Security Background Dept of Homeland Security Interest in Visual Analytics Projects Using Visual Analytics 3
Department of Homeland Security and Visual Analytics VACCINE – Visual Analytics COE (Center of Excellence) Help security and safety personnel Turn massive amount of data into valuable information 4
DHS Projects Address a Variety of Security Issues 5
Jigsaw: Visual Analytics for Investigative Analysis Document Exploration Tool Entities Extracted from Document Links Between Dates, People, Places 6
Jigsaw 7
VALET: Visual Analytics Law Enforcement Tool Map Crime Data Through Space & Time 8
PanViz: Pandemic Flu Visualization Simulation to Help Responders Effectiveness of preventative measures Resource management Planning Based Off Data From 1918 Flu Pandemic 9
PanViz 10
Rosetta Phone: Foreign Language Sign Translation Translation of Non-Roman Alphabet Cell Phone Based 11
Rosetta Phone 12
CoE: Center of Excellence Explorer Explore Relationship Between COEs Projects People Institutions 13
CoE Explorer 14
Conclusion Visual Analytics Vital to DHS Mission Various Application Areas in Development 15
Additional Resources VACCINE: Jigsaw: COE Explorer: ts/coe-explorer/ 16
Classroom Exercises Brainstorm Uses of VA for COEs Analyze One of Featured Projects 17
Tutorial Outline Introduction Module 1What is Visual Analytics? Module 2Proper Visualization Construction and Use Module 3Misinformation and Lying with Graphics Module 4Department of Homeland Security (DHS): Why and How They Use Visualizations Module 5 Understandable Applications Module 6Exercises and Resources for the Classroom Conclusion 18