Welcome to Parent Night! Third Grade Come on in and find your student’s desk!
About Ms. Naes Education Hobbies My family
Arrival and Dismissal School begins at 7:30. Please be on time! If for some reason you must walk your child to class you MUST sign in at the office. Dismissal procedures Car riders nametag in front window of your car. Third grade picks up in the front. Be prepared at all times to show I.D. If you need to pick up your child early, please go to the office, not to the classroom.
transportation changes to If your child needs to change his or her regular transportation for the afternoon, I will need the change in writing. When your child is absent, please send in a note explaining why your child was absent. Write this on a separate piece of paper that can be sent to the office. Change in Transportation and Absences
Agendas Please sign your child’s agenda each night. I will give a daily sticker to indicate I’ve seen the signature. I will send home notes in the agenda.
Thursday folders & Communication folders Thursday folders: –Go home on Thursdays –Graded work –Assessments/Tests –Fliers –Book Orders –Etc. –Return the empty folder back to school the next day Communication folders: –Go home DAILY –Unfinished work –Parent/Teacher notes –Sometimes fliers
Homework Homework will be listed on the board and written in the agenda daily. Please help your child by making sure that they complete any work that is due the next day. Homework will also be listed on our class website. If homework cannot be completed at home, then it has to be completed here at school and we have limited time! Homework Pass: can be used for one night’s work but not for weekly work or projects.
Common Core Curriculum TNCore.org Focused on more rigor Same across nation Literacy & reading so IMPORTANT! Writing assessment
Snack Please send in healthy snacks for your child daily. They may also need a bottle of water.
Lunch Money Place all money in an envelope labeled with your child’s name, teacher name, and what it is for. Lunch money can be placed in the mailbox outside the office.
Behavior/Rewards “Hoot Loot” Class Store I will mark the agenda with any behavior problems that I am having in the classroom.
Field Trips Parents are welcome to attend all field trips, if numbers are unlimited. Parents are allowed on the bus if there is room. Please make sure that all field trip money and permission slips are turned in by 7:30 the day they are due or it will not be accepted. Fall: Cumberland Caverns & Play Spring: Cannonsburgh & Nissan
s and Phone Calls Please feel free to me at anytime. I will check my each day, but not all day long, so if it is important know that I may not get your message until after school. You may call the school and I will return your call as soon as possible. Also feel free to send notes to me in the agenda. School Phone Number
Stay home when sick: Those with flu-like illness should stay home for at least 24 hours after they no longer have a fever, or signs of a fever, without the use of fever-reducing medicines. They should stay home even if they are using antiviral drugs. Dress for the weather: Please send a sweater or light jacket if you think your child may get cold with the air conditioning. I have to keep it on all of the time. Also please send a jacket in the wintertime.
Upcoming Dates August Fall Pictures 27 th Bank at School 29 th September No School – Labor Day 2 nd Early Dismissal 4 th Progress reports 16 th -18 th
Help the classroom! Kroger Cards $5 Volunteering PTO
Wish List Timers from Dollar Tree Stickers for agendas Extra snack Class store items Clorox wipes Band aids Printer Ink (hp 61 black and color) Printer paper Classroom books
Thank you for coming! I look forward to a fantastic year with your student!