Aquatic Biomes Freshwater – Lakes and Ponds – Streams and Rivers – Marshes and Swamps Marine – Oceans – Coastal wetlands
Freshwater Lakes and Ponds Very small and seasonal to very large and deep Summer top layer warmest Winter bottom layer is warmest
Lake and Pond Life Insects Frogs, Turtles Fish – feeders and predators Plants- more along shore less the deeper you go. – Ponds will have plants even in the deepest parts Microscopic life
Rivers and Streams Bodies of water moving in one direction Source – spring, snow melt, lake Cold and fast moving near source – Higher oxygen levels Middle – diverse ecosystem, slower moving Mouth – warmest, lowest oxygen levels
River Life Fast moving cold water – Trout and Dobson fly Middle parts of river – Bass, turtles, frogs – Otters Mouth of the river – Carp and catfish
Wetlands Swamp Trees Poorly drained land near rivers Marsh Low flat land Shallow waters Reeds and cattails Rich sediments
Wetland Animal Life Ducks, geese Muskrats, nutria Turtles, frogs, newts, salamanders Alligators
Wetland Plant Life Marshes – Cattails Swamps – Bald cypress
Biotope Aquarium – Amazon River
Biotope Aquarium – African Great Lakes
Marine Biome Oceans Largest biome on the planet Divided into zones according to how much light penetrates the water: – Sunlight – Twilight – Midnight
Sunlight Zone Down to about 600 feet below surface 90 % of marine life lives here Photosynthesis can take place here Includes tidal zones
Twilight Zone From 600 to 3000 feet below the surface Very little light No plant life Specialized animals
Midnight Zone 3000 feet to the bottom No light – no plants Cold – except by thermal vents Very high pressure
Coastal Wetlands Halophytic plants – salt loving plants Where fresh water meets salt water Brackish water Erosion and flood control
Salt Marshes Where rivers meet oceans Temperate Abundant bird life Tidal flooding – floods everyday Sand or mud flats
Mangrove Swamps Mangrove trees – tangled roots Pneumatophores – special adaptation that supplies tree with air Tropical Protects shoreline