North American Croplands: US Updates 21 May 2015 Richard Massey; Dr. Teki Sankey
Agro-ecological zones in the US
Location of AEZ 6 AEZ 6
Richard Massey Update: 10/22/2014 Croplands of USA (Source: USDA CDL); FAO AEZ 6 Rainfed Classes of 2008: Spatial Distribution ClassRain-fed% AEZ% all crop US% maj crop US 1Corn Soybeans Wheat (w) Wheat (s) Wheat (d) Barley Potatoes Alfalfa Cotton Rice
Initial training Sample Spectra Rainfed, AEZ6 Corn (n=10,000)Soybean (n=10,000) Alfalfa (n=7,586) Winter wheat (n=10,000) Spring Wheat (n=10,000) Durum Wheat (n=10,000) Barley (n=10,000) Cotton (n=5,847)
Richard Massey Update: 10/22/2014 Croplands of USA (Source: USDA CDL); FAO AEZ 6 Irrigated Classes of 2008: Spatial Distribution ClassIrrigated% AEZ% all crop US% maj crop US 11Corn Soybeans Wheat (w) Wheat (s) Wheat (d) Barley Potatoes Alfalfa Cotton Rice
Corn (n=10,000)Soybean (n=10,000) Alfalfa (n=4,881) Winter wheat (n=10,000) Spring Wheat (n=4,055) Durum Wheat (n=1,255) Cotton (n=1,495) Initial training Sample Spectra Irrigated, AEZ6
Refined training sample spectra Rainfed, AEZ6 Corn (n=10,000) Soybean (n=10,000) Alfalfa (n=5,500) Winter Wheat 1 (n=5,499) Barley (n=1,609) Cotton 1 (n=3,549) Cotton 2 (n=471) Cotton 3 (n=1,226) Winter Wheat 2 (n=3,166) Winter Wheat 3 (n=1,315) Spring Wheat (n=10,000) Durum Wheat (n=10,000)
Refined training sample spectra Irrigated, AEZ6 Corn (n=10,000) Soybean (n=10,000 Alfalfa 1 (n=794) Winter Wheat 1 (n=5,885) Barley (n=99) Cotton (n=1,229) Alfalfa 2 (n=3,999) Winter Wheat 2 (n=1,371) Spring Wheat (n=1,080) Durum Wheat (n=357)
Separability Analysis Based on overlap of 95 percentile NDVI curves for two classes Ratio of free range to all range for one crop Assumption: Uniform distribution of NDVI curves between bounds No overlap implies complete separability (=1) Partial overlap implies partial separability (>0 and <1) Partial separability is different for each class Complete overlap implies zero separability for atleast one class
Separability Analysis Corn, AEZ6 Corn vs Cotton Corn vs Spring WheatCorn vs winter Wheat Corn vs SoybeanCorn vs Rice Corn vs Durum Wheat Cotton Corn Spring Wheat Corn Winter Wheat Corn Soybean Corn Rice Corn Durum Wheat Corn
Separability Matrix Rainfed AEZ6 Winter Wheat Spring Wheat Soybean Rice Potato Other Crop Non-crop Durum Wheat Cotton Corn Barley Alfalfa
Separability Matrix Irrigated AEZ6 Winter Wheat Spring Wheat Soybean Rice Potato Other Crop Non-crop Durum Wheat Cotton Corn Barley Alfalfa
NoAEZ=6 No Max NDVI Location No Temporal/ Spectral Window No Max separability location crop-1 Corn Cropland extent (GCE v 1.0) Accuracy Assessment Change Parameters No Decision tree: Corn Rainfed, AEZ6 Corn (n=10,000) No Max separability location crop-2 10 No Max separability location crop-n 10 ::::::::::::
Model accuracy assessment Corn, Rainfed, AEZ6 Class description Croplands 4 of 4 Croplands 3 of 4 Croplands 2 of 4 Croplands1 of 4 GCE v 1.0
Composite cropland extent (250m) Source: CDL Composite Cropland extent AEZ 6 boundary
NoAEZ=6 No Max NDVI Location No Temporal/ Spectral Window No Max separability location crop-1 Corn Composite Cropland extent Accuracy Assessment Change Parameters No Decision tree: Corn Rainfed, AEZ6 Corn (n=10,000) No Max separability location crop-2 10 No Max separability location crop-n 10 ::::::::::::
Regional Subset Rainfed, AEZ
Moving Forward Approach 1: Composite cropland extent layer ( ) as a node in decision tree Maximum separability nodes If desired accuracy (>85%) then ok Approach 2: Composite cropland extent layer ( ) as a node in decision tree Maximum separability nodes Region subsets as masks for different crops
Thank you
Training samples AEZ6 Training Samples IrrigatedRainfed CropsClass1Class2Class1Class2Class3 Corn10,000 Soybean10,000 Winter Wheat5,895 3,1865,4991,315 Spring Wheat1,0801,37110,000 Durum Wheat357 10,000 Barley99 1,609 Potato Alfalfa7943,9995,530 Cotton1,229 1,2263, Rice58 10 Post refinement distribution of training samples
Random samples for validation (Rainfed, AEZ6) CropClass Random sample (5 % of Pure crop pixels) Pure crop pixelsMODIS pixels RainfedCorn112,589250,491754,733 Soybean211,413228,335709,214 Winter Wheat35,242105,130372,152 Spring Wheat44,65993,211362,994 Durum Wheat51,54830,998105,626 Barley664112,76462,622 Potato Alfalfa83777,58681,822 Cotton92755,84725,811 Rice Other Crops213,42067,660288,803 Non Crops22310,8846,215,1917,766,576 All pixels 351,0517,017,34010,531,146 All crop pixels 40,167802,1492,764,570
CropClass Random sample (5 % of Pure crop pixels) Pure crop pixelsMODIS pixels IrrigatedCorn113,81077,497198,148 Soybean122,33246,569136,768 Winter Wheat ,69060,738 Spring Wheat142044,05515,635 Durum Wheat15651,2554,772 Barley ,923 Potato Alfalfa182464,88128,050 Cotton19921,4957,363 Rice Other Crops ,25568,125 Non Crops2410,259207,676407,208 All pixels 14,659295,567732,662 All crop pixels 4,40087,891325,454 Random samples for validation (Irrigated, AEZ6)
Accuracies for decision tree Classification AEZ6 IrrigatedRainfed Crop Group Producer's AccuracyUser's Accuracy Producer's AccuracyUser's Accuracy Corn + Soybean 86.2%86.7% 84.9% 88.4% Winter Wheat Spring Wheat + Durum Wheat + Barley 56.8%57.9% 51.9%49.9% Alfalfa 66.1%70.5% 70.0%69.7% Cotton
Regional Subset statistics Zone CornSoybean Winter Wheat Spring Wheat Durum WheatBarleyPotatoesAlfalfaCottonRiceTotal Zone 1Percentage (%) Zone 2Percentage (%) Zone 3Percentage (%) Zone 4Percentage (%) Zone 5Percentage (%) Zone 6Percentage (%) Zone 7Percentage (%) Zone CornSoybean Winter Wheat Spring Wheat Durum WheatBarleyPotatoesAlfalfaCottonRiceTotal Zone 1Points3,2443,8612,46857,26531,86511, ,797 Zone 2Points261,703234,65822,36635, , ,733 Zone 3Points1,9891,52061, ,236067,337 Zone 4Points82705, ,850010,776 Zone 5Points Zone 6Points ,177 Zone 7Points0025,5823,75501, ,082