THE VENUS TRANSIT EXPERIENCE Paris, November 5-6-7, 2004 Alicia Rivera – EL PAIS
Daily newspaper EL PAIS Science-technology-space (Society) FUTURO (weekly pages, 4) Others Flexibility News Topics Timing
Venus Transit March ( cover FUTURO) 2 June (cover FUTURO) 7 June (last page) 9 June (news article + essay from scientist in Futuro) 25 August (essay from a famous writer) 3 November (Futuro)
Lessons from VT-2004 Science and general information Not enought about education and amateur activities (Newspaper focuses on news)
Collaboration with other areas in the newspaper EDUCATION - Start: news (Science pages) - Follow up stories (Education pages) - End: Science and Education
AMATEUR ASTRONOMY Old times? Enjoy science Learning Bridge Future: combine amateur observation and professional activities (ESO) - Internet