Blackpool Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2014 Liz Petch – Public Health Specialist Stephen Boydell – Senior Public Health Analyst
Background From 1 st April 2013 HWB have a legal responsibility to produce a Pharmacy Needs Assessment (PNA) A full pharmacy needs assessment has to be completed by 1 st April 2015 The PNA will help in commissioning of pharmaceutical services and will be used by NHS England when making decisions on applications to open new pharmacies Supplementary statements need to be produced every 6 months if necessary A PNA has to be produced every 3 years
Process Health & Well Being Board were in receipt of a draft document for review and comments by 30 th September 2014 Formal 60 day consultation period will run from 20 th October to 19 th December 2014 Stakeholder evening held on 23 rd October 2014 to promote the public consultation
Process Structured questionnaire for responses – although other formats for receipt of comments will be accepted Amendments will be made after the consultation period Final version of the PNA - Health & Well Being Board for sign off - February 2015 Publish 1 st April 2015
Sections within the PNA 1.Introduction 2.Process 3.Context for the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 4.Current Provision of NHS Pharmaceutical Services 5.Health Needs and Locally Commissioned Services 6.Future Population Changes and Housing Growth
2. Process How we worked with Lancashire County Council and Blackburn with Darwen Council The stakeholders that we involved in the process and how they were engaged A consideration of whether to use localities within the PNA How we identified pharmaceutical providers The factors considered within the PNA to assess need How the PNA will be maintained and updated
3. Context for the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Joint Strategic Needs Assessments Blackpool Health and Wellbeing Board Blackpool Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) General health of the population of Blackpool Demographics, deprivation, ethnicity
4. Current Provision of NHS Pharmaceutical Services Section broadly completed by NHS England local area team as NHS England commission pharmaceutical services. In this section we: Map the location and provision of current pharmaceutical services Assess whether this provision is adequate by: – Comparison with provision elsewhere – Considering opening hours – Considering travel times
Community pharmacies within Blackpool and within 2 miles of the local authority boundary Blackpool CCG GP practices and branch practices
Considers travel times to pharmacies for Blackpool residents Includes pharmacies in Lancashire Other areas consider 20 minute drive time to be sufficient Due to the compact nature of the town 15 minute walk time has been considered Virtually the whole town has good access to a pharmacy
Good coverage of pharmacies opening on Saturdays Number of pharmacies open on a Sunday, however limited coverage in certain areas of the town
4. Current Provision of NHS Pharmaceutical Services… continued Essential Services – services all pharmacies are required to provide, such as: Dispensing appliances, repeat dispensing, clinical governance, public health (promotion of healthy lifestyles), disposal of unwanted medicines, signposting and support for self-care. Advanced Services – services to support patients with safe use of medicines, such as: Medicines Use Reviews (MUR), Appliance Use Reviews (AUR), New Medicines Service (NMS) and the Stoma Customisation Service (SCS) Enhanced Services – services that can be commissioned locally by NHS England At present only seasonal flu vaccination Local Improvement Services – services commissioned by Public Health or CCG Needle exchange, Supervised consumption, Nicotine replacement voucher scheme, Emergency hormonal contraception, alcohol brief intervention – Public Health Minor Ailments Services, just in case palliative care service - CCG
5. Health Needs and Locally Commissioned Services Split into topic based chapters where the local health need is considered against current local services: Smoking Healthy weight NHS Health Checks Sexual Health Emergency hormonal contraception Alcohol use Drug misuse related harm Long term conditions Mental health Healthcare associated infections Medication related harm Community Pharmacy Minor Ailments Service Community Pharmacy Just in Case Service Healthy Living Pharmacy
Shows smoking prevalence by neighbourhood in Blackpool Overlays location of Stop Smoking Clinics and Pharmacies that accept stop smoking vouchers
Population changes in Blackpool New housing developments 6. Future Population Changes and Housing Growth
Recommendations/Considerations 1.There is adequate service provision of pharmacies 2.Pharmacies provide a wide range of commissioned services 3.The PNA does not identify the need for any additional pharmacies
The consultation questionnaire can also be found here:- assessment/ Completed questionnaires can be returned to:- or PNA Questionnaire, Public Health, Blackpool Council, PO Box 4, Blackpool, FY1 1NA